What is the last thing someone talked you into doing that you didn’t want to do?

  1. My boss said, “here’s a project”. And I said “my plate is full, can Johnny do it”. And boss said “No, give Johnny *project I actually like* and then pick up this new project”. And I said “ok” because I like my bi-monthly paycheck. I’m a total sucker for a good paycheck.

  2. Going snowboarding, the weather was well above freezing and I only own a full insulated snowsuit for winter sports… I didn’t’ want to but he’s a good friend and really wanted me to go.

  3. Keeping a confidence that would hurt someone else I love but protect a boundary of the asker.

  4. Wife’s college roommate sons 4 year old birthday party. In the garage at their super small house. I sat on the floor of the garage and didn’t eat chicken nuggets, Mac and cheese and apple sauce. I did however leave and went to the store bought a 24 pack of beer and all the fathers just said “you’re the man”

    So there is a bright side

  5. Riding one of those bullshit drop tower piece of shit things. I’m terrified of heights, but somehow my friends managed to convince me to join them. Fucking terrible. Hated it. Never had as much anxiety and panic in my life, and I have an actual anxiety disorder. Stupid. Dumb. Ridiculous. Never again. Spent the rest of the park visit playing arcade games and drinking wine.

  6. 💊 💊 💊

    But that was such a long time ago. Whenever I answer a hindsight question like this, I wonder wth was wrong with me! Thank God 2019 is long gone!

  7. My ex-bff dragged me into the middle of her train wreck of a marriage. First, she didn’t tell me for TEN. YEARS. that things were bad for her. The first I heard of it was when she told me she had a boyfriend a decade younger who she was spending her husband’s money on.

    I’m shocked, right, but I handle it and try to be there for her.

    Which to her meant that I would help cover for her long romantic outings with the boyfriend (which I think was the only reason she even told me what was going on).

    So she regularly needed a place to park her truck, somewhere it would make sense to be, so nobody who knew her could get suspicious. And my house was perfect for that.

    I told her no. I told her to leave me out of it. I told her I couldn’t support her having an affair but would help her leave her husband if she wanted, but I didn’t want to be a part of the deception.

    So she cried, said she had never loved anyone like she loved the boyfriend, and I said fine, park here.

    Our friendship completely ended before her affair did, and she only parked at my house twice.

  8. I’m going to not include work here because that just feels like a given.

    Last time I ended up doing something I *really* didn’t want to do was when an old friend invited me and several girls to dinner…and it turned out it was a Mary Kaye party. I managed to warn most of the other girls to stay away, but I stayed. Worst part, I’m allergic to a lot of their facial products and ended up (after removing my full face of makeup) having a serious allergic reaction complete with hives and an asthma attack from some face cream. I swore to myself that I would walk out the next time something like that happened to me. But I’m also super cautious now. Beware old friends offering dinner.

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