Women, how do you romanticize your job?

  1. I don’t think I do. It’s my job. It’s good, useful, fulfilling work, but I don’t think it’s easily romanticized.

  2. Every once in a while, I slip into a fantasy world wherein any of my former students get in touch with me and go on and on about how I saved their life, or at least changed their life, and how they can’t imagine where they’d be if they hadn’t met me. Sometimes I muse on what it’d be like to be nominated for some kind of teacher award–not even anything like Teacher of the Year; there are some radio stations in my area that do some kind of weekly Thank a Teacher thing (usually it’s on air well after school has started, so…).

    Apart from that, there’s not really much romanticizing the whole teaching thing.

  3. I build pretty solid work relationships with most colleagues. Sometimes I briefly forget they will fire me if the next quarterly reports take a turn or some leader decides to replace me with someone newer at a lower salary.

  4. I work in a nursing home. Pretty easy to find purpose in my job. These people need me.

  5. I have a job that I’m honestly grateful to get to do, because it’s something I mostly love, but I don’t think that’s “romanticizing” it.

  6. There is exactly nothing to romanticize about the nuts and bolts of my job, but the flexibility offered is incredible. I work from home, my boss trusts me to get my work done (I’ve worked for them for 15 years and worked from home for seven of those), I wake up whenever I want and start/end my work day whenever I feel done, and I have very few meetings that I have to attend. My actual job is boring AF and absolutely not where I saw my life going, but the sheer amount of flexibility offered allows my work/life balance to be pretty awesome.

  7. I’m a doctor, and sometimes I DO romanticize it, and think I need to work harder, or do more, listen more, and give more. The pressure to see this job as a calling and not a job is very big; it’s just the environment.

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