My husband just went #2 and didn’t wash his hands just now. I find it repulsive that he could wipe his ass and not wash his hands.

I long suspected he did this and I’m so upset because he has probably always done this and then touches me and the baby. He even hand feeds our baby sometimes but when I’m there I always make him use sanitizer before he does.

I told him I can’t believe he can’t respect me with basic decency and he says he will try and remember to do it. Wtf? Try? So disgusting. I told him he isn’t allowed to touch me if he won’t wash his hands and he says I am going too far.

I’m so annoyed right now.
Fortunately we just started pastoral counseling so should I bring this up? It’ll embarass him but I don’t care.

  1. Marriages have a lot of weird stuff. ..and a lot of secrets that people don’t talk about including spouses who wet the bed, are drug dealers, are thieves, etc. But because you are not leaving the man and people dint necessarily change just because they are married. ..then people choose to;

    1. Look at the bigger picture; overall is he a good man save for this weakness or iniquity??
    2. Choose your words coz they can make an already difficult situation worse.

  2. Finding out your partner doesn’t understand basic sanitation had to come as a huge surprise. You put up a boundary of “Wash or don’t touch me/child/food” and this is a perfectly reasonable thing to do. YES I would bring it up to your counselor, if you can do it gently with him there.

    Pride could be a big problem here, so if he isn’t willing to swallow his and accept that his unhealthiness is going to get you and your child sick, he needs to lose you. It’s that important.

  3. Pastoral? What are they gonna tell him “cleanliness is next to godliness?” Your husband should have a better sense of hygiene but you’d be better off shooting a text off to his parents asking them why they raised such a heathen. Honestly I’ve got nothing good luck.

  4. so many diseases and illness come from bacteria present in fecal matter and a grownass man isn’t washing his hands after wiping his ass?! What the actual fuck.

    hell yes bring this up! This is just out of sheer laziness that he does that and absolutely disgusting.

  5. Sounds like a bad habit his parents never corrected or noticed. Little things like that begin in childhood & should have been fixed by now that he’s an adult, your gonna need patience & help him get in the habit of washing his hands. I would suggest not being rude about it, cause that will make him not even try.

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