I’ve never been in a relationship before and it’s feels like I’m running out of time and options.

I’ve put a lot of work into myself the last couple of years. I lost 25lbs + and added some muscle. I started a new job and getting close to saving enough for my own place. None of this seems to matter to women.

I’d like to think I’m a fun and social guy. I’ve got a small but good group of both male and female friends. I try to make it clear to them that I’m actively looking and ask if they know anyone that is single. Unfortunately, they don’t know anyone for me since they just hangout with other couples the whole time.

I’m on every single dating app and have been trying to take them seriously (even paid for one). I had friends take high quality pictures of me and look over my profile. I’ve searched for people in a wide (25-50) age range and a 25 mile radius. I got a few matches but the conversation usually fizzles out before we even meet in person.

I still go out and do hobbies/activities (exercise classes, bowling leagues) that I enjoy everyday to be around other people. I’ve got no problem talking to women at these places. The conversation with them never really goes anywhere though or they just tell me about their boyfriend/husband.

I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong or how else to try and meet women?

1 comment
  1. I mean it’s hard for randos on the internet to really critique you. The way you describe yourself it sounds like you’re 100% doing everything right, but there could be things that you could improve on that only your friends who know you can help you with. Maybe ask a female friend for advice?

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