Success in financial, social, etc sense.

  1. No. I’m on the tall side and don’t see much of an advantage outside of reaching tall shelves. I think short women tend to be infantilized but probably average height women are the most accepted. There’s some industries where it might be an advantage (sports obviously, modeling within reason, perhaps some roles where “intimidating” is helpful) but above a certain height tall women just are treated kind of like freaks – considered less feminine and sexually off the radar of a lot of men which unfortunately also probably has career implications in addition to social ones.

  2. My theory is that women in general have been expending unnecessary mental energy to protect themselves (being accosted along the street…or approached by toxic men)…which means lesser energy to invest in business contexts…

    Tall women (particularly ones who are maybe 6’5″ — like REALLY tall!) might have lesser threats to them as they would likely tower over a lot of men.

    So…if it’s all about mental energy reserves…Tall Women could get an advantage? Though from [the perspective]( of /u/Niedzwetzkyana it seems like there is…barely any extra advantage…

  3. I can’t say I’ve ever noticed this, however as a tall woman I suppose one does get a little bit more attention by virtue of taking up more space, I guess some women might capitalise on that?

  4. With them being so tall i bet its because they seem more dominant and authoritive

  5. Not at all. I’ve actually seen more short women that are charismatic and successful in my area. TBH being conventionally attractive/tall is kind of a double-edged sword depending on the career path you choose to take. There’s a lot of social stigma around beautiful women.

    I’ve observed that in most professional settings, it can even be more advantageous being somewhat attractive, but not _too_ conventionally attractive (i.e. pretty, tall, etc.). Some men might actually take you more seriously if you’re not attractive at all, actually. The societal standards on how women should look in a work place is honestly so ridiculous and so field-dependent, it doesn’t make any sense at all.

  6. I’m 5’10 and I feel more successful and powerful than all the short bitches

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