for additional context.

  1. It’s still ski season.

    I just signed a lease on the nicest apartment I’ll likely ever have.

  2. my kids are great, my wife and I were both off work last week so we had some really fun lunch dates, we’re financially pretty comfortable. Life’s not bad for me.

  3. Allegedly its the first day of spring. We have begun booking our camping and kayaking and biking trips for the summer. So having something to look forward to is nice when its still this cold.

    Spring cleaning and organizing began last week. All the dirt and clutter that gathers all winter is getting taken care of. Drops my stress level a ton.

    I don’t live in a wartorn country.

    Our solar planters are doing awesome. I believe all our seeds have sprouted. As soon as the risk of freezing drops a little farther, we will get those in the ground. Fresh veggies and herbs and berries makes everyone’s life better.

  4. I’m currently pregnant with our third child. A girl to go along with our two boys. I have a great marriage, a beautiful family, a wonderful home. I’ve been getting more active in church and making friends. I love everything about my life.

  5. My family.
    My friends.
    That basically anything I want is available exactly when I need/want it.
    That spring is just about in the air.

  6. The angle of the sun just the end of last week changed enough that it doesn’t look like winter outside anymore. It’s starting to look like spring/summer and it’s making me so happy.

    Little things are starting to grow. I planted bulbs in the fall and I see two of them starting to sprout now. That was my first time planting anything so I’m excited about it. I’m not that good at that stuff so it’s nice to see.

    Edit: also, my door project is coming along. Our antique kitchen door was covered in coats of landlord special paint. I’ve stripped it, and am now sanding. It’s taking longer than I expected and is way more work, but it’s looking like we’ll be able to stain it and not have to repaint. I’m happy that it’s looking like my hard work is paying off.

  7. Being with my family around campfires, winter, walking around my city which is semi-urban and hiking which I can only do when traveling to other states.

  8. Not much. Basketball team is having its best season ever, so I guess that’s nice.

  9. The coming of spring. Soon, New England, soon.

    I’m excited for more warm weather outdoor activities soon.

  10. I don’t want to say it out loud, but as of last week we have enough in savings to no longer be living paycheck to paycheck

  11. My husband and I are planning our anniversary trip! Can’t wait. Also, looking at getting some new critters this spring. I’ve kept millipedes and spiders and thinking about getting some more spiders or isopods. Idk yet. I love spiders and love feeding them our flies, but cleaning up dead bug husks isn’t my favorite. Or I could have a whole isopod colony! I just gotta wait until it’s warm. So. Maybe June lol.

  12. I’m actually the happiest around this time of the year. Fall and Winter get me strangely down.

    The weather is nice so I get to walk around and do shit and getting the opportunity to run around and walk my dog twice is a plus.

    I usually hate learning, but learning python has actually been pretty fun. I get to add some more skills to my resume, and I get a chance to GTFO out of my current company.

    If I could get out of my current place it would be awesome. Definitely plan on getting back into horse-riding if I can make a few more bucks. Want to try doing endurance though but I don’t actually own a horse.

  13. Tasty food, the Steam spring sale, my wife and pets

    And Purdue losing to a #16 seed lmaooooo

  14. I have a good secure job that lets me travel the world, and a good family.

    It’s spring, and the daffodils are blooming everywhere. The street median on my way to work is just full of beautiful flowers. It’s warming up into perfect cycling weather, and I’m planning to spend as much time out on the trails as I can this season. Lastly, I’m going to Hungary next week.

  15. I won a short fiction writing contest. I’ve been trying to learn to write good fiction for a long time and this was the first time I’ve ever published fiction.

  16. Nothing especially. I am a very lucky person in many ways but a lot of my life did not work out the way I would want it. I get mildly depressed. Not so much that I have to take pills for it, but just kinda down.

  17. My husband and cats. My adult daughter does too but I don’t see her as often as I would like. I went to see my Nephrologist this past week and my blood work was “excellent” so I don’t see him again until July. My birds that the cats and I watch are back. Spring is here which means in a couple weeks I will be able to throw back the curtains, open the windows and let it in!

  18. Only thing I have to be unhappy about is the weather and that’s actually pretty nice today .

  19. Just gave birth to my second child and we are both healthy. Our family is growing and our home is full of love

  20. My 4 year old niece apologized before swearing the other day. I’m still smiling about it.

  21. The sun is staying, fingers crossed the snow finally ends and I can get my Z out of storage and get back to having fun driving.

  22. I’m working at a museum and getting paid for researching Late Triassic vertebrate faunas. I’ve wanted to do this kind of work my whole life.

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