I’m 23 and already losing quite a lot of hair. I’m not yet ready to accept it and would like to try something before it’s too late. Any success you guys had with particular products, what you used, which company you went through? I will likely try the most upvoted comment

  1. All you can do is try to increase protein, take vitamins (biotine) and don’t wash your hair with shampoo too often. As a woman I use biotine for my hair and have very expensive shampoo (cry).

    You can try to fight it, however it’s probably genetics and not much any product will or can do. You should try to accept is as much as you can, even is it’s in steps with making your hair shorter. Not accepting it and ending with just a bit of hair on the top of your head will only make it look bad; while accepting it might feel bad for yourself even though it’s way sexier.

  2. I started taking finasteride in my late 20s because EVERY man on my dad’s side of the family is bald. I’m now 48 and I’m literally the only male in my family with a full head of hair. They are all so amazed and constantly bring it up when I’m around. And for approx $10 per month, it’s the best investment I ever made.

  3. Is there fluoride in your water? Consider how many disinfectant chemicals remain in your local water supply which you apply directly to your skin/scalp, many of these chemicals including fluoride are absorbed via skin. I would reccomend washing your hair less, thoroughly dry it when you do to limit chronic exposure to these chemicals.

  4. At 17 I started losing my hair. Bad. Came into my Senior year of high school shaved clean. This was 1998. Girls went absolutely gaga over it, maybe because it was smooth & shiny, maybe because no one else they knew rocked the look, but I haven’t stopped shaving once and that was 25 years ago.

    So if it doesn’t work, embrace the smooth.

  5. Minoxodil is the same shit as rogaine.

    But you have to apply it *forever*. And if you stop you get fucked up. I did it to help re-establish a patch on the side of my head.

    That said it’ll cause dandruff and itchy scalp. Rosemary oil, some other stuff, all that stuff *also* helps grow hair, *and* it soothes your scalp, so you can use both intermittently. Wash it off later, and your scalp will look good, healed, and so on. But it’s a regimen, not something to do once and quit.

    Otherwise you may as well get plugs lmao.

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