Last year I broke up with someone after 5 years of what I considered to be a very toxic relationship. I asked them to never contact me again and left. I had to block her everywhere. She wouldn’t stop trying to contact me. She started making public posts about how I’m the worst. Somehow found my Reddit account and stalked me until I deleted it. Sent me Grubhub (Thanks? lol)

Now she sends emails to my Gmail at least twice a week. They started out talking about how I’m the worst. Now she’s just journaling, I guess, I don’t fucking know. It’s insane to me. I’ve NEVER replied to her. Not once. I received an email from her as recently as this morning. Hell, she’ll probably see this, figure it out, and force me to make another account. I’ve never dealt with anything like it; I’m currently researching how to script her emails to auto-delete forever instead of sitting in the deleted box for 30 days. It’s actually scary. She knows where I live and if she finds out about my new person what might she do?

I met someone that I’ve been talking to for 7 weeks. We just had our first kiss. She’s a sweetheart. Everything I’ve been looking for and more. I’ve let her know I’m still dealing with the ex. I know I’m doing the right thing. I’m trying to move on. I guess I’m venting. I’ve never dealt with someone who won’t go away. Do I hope she stops? Get a restraining order in case she is going to go over the deep end? I’m guessing replying with: for the love of god shut the fuck up is exactly the reaction they want.

tl/dr; ex is going to boil rabbits on my stove.
Edit: I didn’t think about keeping the emails as evidence. Thanks for that!

  1. I think at the very least talking to police and a lawyer wouldn’t hurt. I don’t know what can be done if she’s not threatening but at least explore what options you have, if any. You should keep any communication she sends you as a documented paper trail.

  2. Keep the e-mails, you can direct gmail to put them in a separate folder, in case you do need to get that restraining order. Since it makes you nervous, you need things you can show others of what you deal with, so you aren’t dismissed as drama and overreacting. Keep a log of what your ex does, like the Grubhub and screenshot where possible of social media posts.

    You should also tell your new GF to lock up her social media and such. If she gets e-mails that are suspect, they should get added next to your pile.

  3. Yeah I’d go so far as to keep records so you can get a restraining order against her.

    And if she’s reading this, Jesus tap dancing christ on a cracker get yourself therapy, woman. Leave this man alone and move on with your life, you’re being pathetic and toxic.

  4. You owe it to the woman you’re seeing to let her know the situation and make her own decision. You’re willingly outting her in danger without her knowledge.

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