Here’s the one I’ve heard of:

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  1. On an individual level, sure. Being exposed to viewpoints in a constructive and understanding way generally helps people appreciate each other’s perspectives better. However, in a nation of 330 million + people, it’s just a drop in the bucket.

  2. It’s a nice idea, but it would have to be a MASSIVE program to move the needle at all.

  3. It could be a good way, but I think better ways exist in theory such as elected representatives actually representing their constituents and addressing some of these issues. But since that is not happening I guess we have to start somewhere.

  4. Not really, no. The people who are most aggressively fueling the divide are the exact people who would not participate in such a thing in the first place.

  5. Considering how absolutely staggeringly high our internal migration patterns are, it seems fairly redundant and unnecessary.

  6. Are we really at a point where we need rehumanizing programs like they have in war-torn countries?

  7. No, there aren’t even close to enough kids being moved around and I doubt people are going to meaningfully change their political views because they spent a few weeks with an 18yo of the opposite persuasion.

  8. I can see why someone would want to do that, especially if it is, for example, a Southerner studying in New England or on the West Coast.

    That said I highly doubt that this would do anything to help lessen the cultural divide, given that the type of kid most likely to be able to take advantage of this kind of program is probably pretty similar across the country: white and wealthy

  9. Here’s my thing I don’t really think we should be trying to comprise with intolerant irrational people. THIS is where it’s gotten us. One side has been comprising and compromising just to get things done and the other side just keeps digging their heels in. We need real leadership not a bunch of greedy cowards running the show.

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