I (male 40’s) prefer having a phone call with a person I’ve matched with online prior to meeting IRL. This is to determine if there is interest and to avoid if the person drops nine F bombs in a 30 min discussion etc. It seems however that the majority of women fade after matching when you suggest this next step of talking on the phone. Issues range from long delays and need for follow up to just nothing. Should I drop the phone call? Hard to do in a major city if meeting for drinks etc and dropping $100+ on someone you don’t click with. What are some other experiences and thoughts? Does everyone hate the phone?

  1. Meet for a coffee and you don’t have to spend 100$.

    Phone calls are overwhelming if I don’t know someone.

  2. Keep the date simple and get to know her. If she is someone that you enjoy, extend the date or make another date.

    To me, a phone call before a date is kind of a wash since some women don’t care to talk on the phone.

  3. Personally I hate phone calls. Feels like an interview if it’s with someone I don’t know. A coffee is much more preferable and casual

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