I’m 23 years old, I don’t feel intimidated when talking to women. The problem is that my mind goes blank as to what I should say to her, how to keep going, etc.

I don’t fear rejection, in fact I want to be rejected and get over it.

I hate to say but I’m begging for help!

  1. I have this same issue don’t really know what to say to a woman when approaching her. Shits annoying

  2. If you run out of things to say, pick a relevant topic and just start asking questions.

    Where are you from? How long have you lived here? Why did you move here? If you had to move again, where would you go and why? Do you have a lot of family here? What’s the farthest you’ve been from home?

    Don’t just rattle off questions, be engaging in each question you ask and try to expand on it. “OH, you’re from X? I was there in 2015 for a thing. Did you ever go to that cute little Italian restaurant on main street…”

  3. Geography is the easiest place to start. Everyone loves to talk about where they’re from and where they’ve been.

  4. hey guy i know just how you feel man i have the exact same problem i am not afraid of getting rejected either cause thats part of life and we all need to face it sooner rather than later anyway so im gonna give you some advice right here and now buddy dont worry about trying to talk to girls or anything like that first off you gotta make sure youre taking good care of yourself if you arent then they wont wanna go out with you no matter how nice you are its just the way it is ok so start by eating better sleeping more exercising every day working out and drinking lots of water also brush your teeth twice a day floss daily and wash your hair every other day oh yeah and take a shower every morning and wear deodorant alright next thing is try to work on your sense of style this is really important because people judge each other by their appearance before they even speak to them so dress appropriately for whatever occasion you happen to find yourself in remember presentation is everything so always look your very best whenever you leave the house last but not least practice making eye contact with attractive women and smiling confidently at them without being creepy or weird hope these tips help you out dude cheers!!!!!

  5. I guess it depends on where you are, but a Hi, or a Hey, maybe even a Hello? The key is your body language and how you handle yourself. Yes what you say matters. But if I went up and asked “do you like horses?” in a Eeyore tone I’d probably get rejected. Compared to if I was more enthusiastic about it.

  6. “Do you like goat cheese?” and then you go from there. Start the conversation with an intriguing random question that gets her attention.

  7. there really is nothing you can say besides cheesy small talk until you get to the point

  8. Literally asked this girl what colour her toothbrush was. She later told me after our first date that no one had ever asked her that question before and it made her curious to know more about me.

    I guess it doesn’t really matter what you say as long as you do it confidently and with intent

  9. You could just approach with a Hey then talk about something common like the environment you see them in or some activity y’all both like or just ask a question I think it’s important to have some type of conversation before just asking them out or for their number just talk to them like you would any person they’re human like us

  10. It’s all about body language and chemistry between the people they are hanging around. You need to kind of see how they talk to people around them then formulate something based on that. Used everything from politeness to compliments to rudeness. Example of rude approach: Girl was talking with their friends about how good her butt looked. When I walked through them to the bar instead of complimenting her I said “you need to move your fat ass over” (playful tone – Not serious) and kept walking. While that could insult people I could hear how they were being playful about it then she walked over to the bar counter to ask me about it “you think my ass is fat?” boom conversation started, then you compliment to deescalate. Same scenario different tone could result in yelling and possibly a slap. Blankness of mind just requires practice, word association games work to. Be prepared to get shot down multiple times, I can’t count how many times it has happened to me.

  11. Idk something like “Hi, I just wanted to say you’re very pretty.” And see where it goes from there? I’m not great at social situations but that’s what I could picture myself saying.

  12. Keep it simple. Say “you’re beautiful”. If she responds positively, ask her for the number.
    Even if she doesn’t seem excited, still ask her for her number
    Then you can go about your day

  13. As a seasoned veteran of the dating scene!

    Be true to yourself and let Mother Nature’s “Autopilot” take over. It took me 20+ years of dating attempts to be with my future bride of 3 months.

  14. There isn’t a set in stone way to do it and many other factors. It depends on the setting, the person you are talking to/flow of her response (factors you can’t control completely due to her maybe not being interested), and how it goes overall.

    If you already talk to women like co-workers for example, then you are on a good start. Use some of that as a tool to use. Approach other people and do small talk first without intention of asking them out. Then it will become easier. Then use it to women and take it up a notch and make it into pursuing it more.

    Sometimes it takes not a care in the world to do so.

  15. Stop getting hung up on what you’re going to say. That’s just worrying needlessly. She’s going to decide before you’ve actually said anything anyway.

    Whatever you can spit out most confidently, say that. Just don’t be rude/gross.

  16. Say whatever, but say it confidently. The more practice you get with this, the better. It’s like playing tennis, you gotta practice the social ping pong. If a woman is into you, they’ll let you know with subtle cues, else, don’t hesitate to walk away. Focus instead on working to make yourself into the man you want to be, and, a man any woman would love to be with.

  17. Just be cool about it hopefully they know you first. But if it’s for the first time just ask them for the name first and let them know that they are pretty or 🥰

  18. Just say something totally random about the environment, or ask a question about something you overhead, loud enough for her to realize you’re looking for her to give some feedback. But you need to explore a little and get out of your comfort zone to do this effectively. Like go to new places that you haven’t been before, try new things that you haven’t tried before. That way, the environments you put yourself in will probably contain something worth mentioning. Even if it’s just something like: “Hey it’s my first time here, how about you? Pretty cool place right?”. Then after that you have to read her reaction… if she’s potentially interested in you, she should react with more than a one word answer and maybe ask you a question back. Then you just keep the conversation going by asking stuff about her or saying whatever is on your mind.

    I’m not good at this, but I’m just giving the hypothetical answer of what is the most socially adept way of doing this. I don’t believe that anyone with real “game” is going around saying “Hi, you’re beautiful” or “Hi my name is Joe, nice to meet you, who are you?” but rather just having more spontaneous, organic conversations and then if that goes well, asking for her number at the end.

    So just pick something out from the environment that you’re thinking about. I’m sure you’re thinking things all the time about the places you visit outside of your own home… but your habit is to keep that stuff to yourself.

  19. When approaching them and have a chance to have a short time for chat. I always ask questions about their favorite things. For example I ask what their genre is in music. Or their favorite movie. Because asking such questions gives you a glimpse of what type of woman they are and what kind of man they want to be with.

  20. -Something relevant to where you are.

    -Something relevant to the city.

    -Something great about the city
    -Something great about where she’s from (ask here)

    -Food in the city.

    -Ask her about her courses or job

    -Ask her what her interests are if they are relevant to any of the above topic.

    -Compliment her interests

    -she interest in her interests and she’ll carry the convo for a while.

  21. What you say is always based on circumstance and environment, yet speech is less than10% of human communication.

  22. Much of it depends on where you are (set and setting). In a class, in a bar, at a grocery store, on a walk… Talk about her, like the toothbrush thing, something simple to grease the wheels so to speak. The hard part is approach and gaining rapport so you don’t get blown out before given the chance. Be yourself, compliment in a non-creepy way and notice her eyes.

  23. Ask her things to get to know her:
    What would you ask a friend? What do you want to know about the person?

  24. The thing is this. You assume that you have to say something that will impress her. This is a big wrong. What you need to do is say something that you find interesting or like, and claim your presence with your energy.

    Say for example you are at a coffee shop and you see some woman with a book and it feels insanely scary going over there because you might be rejected.

    So you need to instantly channel some energy that you belong and next you need to try and figure out what kind of a woman she is. Some really appreciate the forwardness of just asking, and some you gotta make giggle a little, others are easily impressed. But as for your energy, try to think about what makes her good enough instead of if you are good enough.

    Lastly, and most importantly. Learn to take the rejections. If you can become impervious to them and laugh it off and move to the next, you will become a master.

  25. I stand near her and pick up her groove or vibe some might say. It’s actually the frequency at which she normally operates at. Then I allow my body and mind to adjust to her groove and breathing tempo etc. After that she’ll just fall into me comfy as an old shoe. Then we talk about whatever she’s interested in, because, “it’s better to be interested…than interesting…

  26. Ask her something, whilst shes about to answer take a big gulp of water – and when she tells you, spit it all out over her face while saying ‘WOOOW’

  27. I try to find a connection in something she says, does, wears etc and to start with a simple small talk.
    E.g. she wears Sneakers, I’d go “Oh those sneakers are really nice – what brand is this” or something like that.
    If there’s a connection, you’ll be able to come up with other stuff naturally.
    Everybody does it differently, I guess, that’s my approach, which worked sometimes.

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