What would be your preference for dating: an average looking woman with very high intelligence, or a stunningly beautiful woman with average intelligence? Why?

  1. It really depends on how they are as a person more than their looks or intelligence. Like being impatient or gaslighty is a bigger factor than those things

  2. >stunningly beautiful woman with average intelligence?

    This one. Obviously looks fade but very high intelligence doesn’t do much for me. Is it a bad thing? No. But it has diminishing returns in terms of value to me.

  3. I’m fine with both. Which one is the better potential partner and better potential parent? That’s what I care about.

  4. Obviously intelligence. Intelligence lasts forever, beauty is a function of youth.

  5. I care more about personality, but if I’m being completely honest I would prefer a woman with huge muscles. I think strong women are really hot.

  6. i care more about sharing core values and and if we have chemistry at that point.

    imo on average, women are like a 6/10. so even an average woman is still going to fit my bare minimum requirements of her being attractive enough for me. you also do not have to be an incredibly intelligent person to be a ***GOOD*** *person.*

  7. Average looking woman hands down if I had to choose. Intelligence is sexy. I always tell me wife that she masturbate my brain. Luckily she’s beautiful too, so I’m a lucky guy.

  8. Sarah Farrah Fowler was sexy… LOL. Average looking woman with high intelligence. Afterall, looks fade and intelligence get you rich. LOL

  9. Why is it that stunning beautiful women can’t have high intelligence?

    I find most average looking people have average intelligence lol. I find it a sexist viewpoint that beautiful women can’t be intelligent.

    But I guess we all grew up on inane Hollywood movies that keep pushing the Marilyn Monroe trope.

  10. Assuming all three of us are friends in good standing, care for each other, but I *have* to make a choice – I’ll pick whoever is more likely to grow resentful if they get rejected. Not the one who’s likely to accept my choice.

    But if I am free to make any choice – I will pick neither. I don’t want to risk sending dear friends down the path of resentment.

    It’s never been a game of choice for me.

  11. Beauty does count to some extent, you won’t date a dragon but personality is more important than anything

    I rather prefer a woman that might look an average woman but has sense of humor, open mindset, has goals in life than a woman that looks like a barbie but her talking makes your hear to bleed, has no goal in life, who wouldn’t add anything to me as a partner.

  12. Personally average looks high intelligence. My intelligence is high so i need a high intelligence woman to hold a conversation. And to understand how i think.

  13. I mean Iove a smart girl. Absolutely adore them. My girlfriend is above average, most of my exes were above average, my best friend is a certified MENSA level genius and I’m at the top end of Above average myself. And when I say it’s depressing as fuck I’m not kidding. There’s a reason there’s an inverse curve between intelligence and happiness. If average intelligences means like a 115 IQ I consider it truly a mercy to pick it for someone because genuinely the world is shit if you can look past the curtain.

  14. I’m extremely attracted to intelligence. That also means she will probably be better for conversation, problem solving, humor, and many other things that are important in the long-run.

  15. Depends what I’m in the relationship for. I dated some bimbos in my younger years that were all tits and teeth, but I never expected those relationships to go anywhere. Now I’m settled down, I sought out a woman that could keep me on my toes intellectually to raise kids with.

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