What are some things others ask of you that you’re not cool with?

  1. To pet sit for them or watch their kids. I have 5 dogs of my own. I don’t have time for yours too lol

  2. Any time a coworker asks me to cover a shift for them because ‘I don’t have kids, so I have free time’.

    Yeah, I don’t have kids because I want free time (among a long, long list of other reasons). The fact that you don’t have any free time isn’t my issue.

  3. Taking a ride with you.

    I’ve been in a horrific car accident that was traumatizing, so I greatly respect safety and regulations. It fucking sucks when you’re in a car and the other person is speeding or not keeping distance. Your risking your life and making that choice for me too you know!

    The worst time was when my father in law decided he could drink and drive. I had no cash because they were taking me out and I just got stuffed in that car before I knew it. HO-RI-BLE. Long live our breakup!

  4. Honestly being the family trip and navigation planner. Just once I’d like fucking surprise. It’s annoying to always make decisions and be expected to do this.

  5. Why I don’t have kids.

    Um why do you want to know about my sexual history, why do you want to know about WHAT I DO WITH MY OWN BODY and

    Why do you have or want kids? (I’d never ask that because I don’t care)

  6. When someone who I barely consider an acquaintance asks me to “open up” to them because they can “tell that something is wrong”. Like no, Sharon. I will NOT be doing that. You may feel comfortable sharing your deep dark secrets with me after we’ve known eachother for all of a day, but unfortunately I do not.

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