I mistreated her and took her for granted. And now I don’t think I’ll ever have another chance with her.


I run through scenarios in my head about if only I did this differently, but in general I just feel so bad because I know it’s cliche but I legitimately can’t imagine a better girl than her.


I mistreated her not because I didn’t like her, but because I have some issues to workout personally.

  1. >I have some issues to workout personally

    Use it as motivation to work out those issues so that you don’t just let the next girl of your dreams slip through your fingers. No one is gonna work on you except you my man.

  2. It sounds like you learned a lesson about your behaviour and your treatment of her. Next time I’m guessing you won’t make that mistake

  3. so fuck it broh move on nothing else u can do u made ya mistakes its over u failed ya relationship so learn from it going forward so ya next relationship doesnt end the sameway this one ended

  4. One of my exes contacted me to apologize and tell me that I was his dream girl blah blah. I didn’t care. It’s too late. I’m sure she feels the same way, take it as a learning lesson so that you now know how to not treat the next person you date

  5. You move on. You’ll feel sad for a bit but time will make it easier you just gotta ride it out. There is no dream girl there’s 4 billion of them and I guarantee many millions are just as compatible or more than her. You’ll find her eventually.

  6. Been there, done that with the whole regret/what if thinking for years. It was almost 38 years ago and you know what? There are plenty of better people out there.

    It’s hard to see because you’re hurting and you did something you didn’t want to do but had to do. Again, I’ve been there. It’ll take a while but you’ll get over it eventually and you’ll find someone else who is better for you. It will happen. You just have to get there.

  7. Hoping someone else comes around and takes her place, but I don’t think that’ll happen. It’s just the same old cycle of distractions, porn and methods to forget that never end up working but I keep trying.

  8. It’s been 8 weeks. Time to move on.

    Sounds like you know what you did wrong. Time to mature and be a better person.

  9. If it didn’t work out, was it really perfect?

    Of course there is no perfect. Learn from this and accept the next woman as she is. Either it works or it doesn’t. It’s not you and it is not her. If there is no click, that’s fine, accept it and move on.

  10. Unfortunately this is a brutal lesson man, I’ve done a similar thing. 10 years later when I think about I still regret it.
    Try to move on and be a better person

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