My (28M) GF (27F) always thinks I am capable of cheating and now her friend has highlighted that I liked a girls instagram post (she’s my best friends sister and I consider her a family friend), this blew over but then she noticed I follow her on another app and suggests it is my way of instigating a chat. To make matters worse the original friend of hers also claimed she seen me coming out a restaurant which is completely false but it’s bad timing and it adds to her theory of me cheating. We have regular arguments over a range of things but I always try to make amends but I don’t even know anymore if its worth it or I’m even happy when the relationship is normal. Any advice?

1 comment
  1. You’re dating a 27 year old, with extreme insecurities, with a shit-stirrer for a friend. The “friend” is the one highlighting what Instagram posts you like, the “friend” is the one telling your gf she saw you coming out of a restaurant.

    Your gf’s insecurities are likely due to the friend constantly keeping her second guessing. The friend could be doing it because of a codependent relationship with your gf, or just because she wants your gf to be single with her again. Doesn’t really matter why, the problem is you likely will not convince your gf that this friend is toxic and isn’t really her friend.

    So you can waste your time trying and fighting this BS from someone old enough to know better, or you can go find someone who already does know better.

    Personally, at 28 I wouldn’t put up with this, you’re already having constant arguments, you don’t even know if you’re happy when the relationship is normal, I’d just walk. Plenty of people your age that don’t have this much drama and make you question if you’re even happy when things are good.

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