I was taking to a girl named Emily (fake name) for about a month. Nothing super serious, but I did really like talking to her and (at the time) she was someone I was interested in being with long term.

One day, Emily got mad at me when she found out I was still friends with my ex on social media. I tried to explain to Emily that I never blocked her because I have nothing against her. It just wasn’t the right relationship for either of us and I would not want to date her again. I just simply didn’t unadd or block her. Emily became upset by this and didn’t talk to me the rest of the day. The next day, I woke up to a text from Emily telling me she didn’t want to talk anymore and I should find someone else. I tried to talk things over with her for three days, but no luck. On the third day, I conceded and tried to move on.

Later that week, I made a post on Snapchat (which is just my friends) asking if anyone wanted to go to the movies with me. Emily got upset by that, then immediately said afterwards, “actually. You’re single. Do what you want.” I replied, “Yes. I am single. I tried and tried with you and you rejected me so I’m trying to move on from that. You have no right to be jealous by me moving on when you ended things.” She called me an asshole, told me to never text her again, and blocked me on everything.

Fast forward to today, slightly over a month later. She requests to follow me on Instagram and Snapchat. I thought about it for a while, then accepted and requested her back. She accepted and nothing has happened since.

I feel like she ended things with me to pursue someone else and now that that didn’t work she wants me back. I still have feelings for her and I think I would be willing to give her another chance but I don’t know what to even say to her. Do I pretend nothing happened? Do I acknowledge it? Do I text first or wait for her?

  1. She is super immature. Even if you were still friends with your ex, so what? Once you get properly together, she could demand you put boundaries with her, but not what she has done.

    What a tiring person she is just from this simple information piece. You really should look for someone who acts their age, not like a hormonal teenager.

  2. She’s emotionally immature. Unless this is the kind of relationship drama you enjoy, I would leave it be.

  3. you dodged a bullet. Don’t date immature, irrationally / retrospective jealous people

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