**What should I do to stop making the conversation sexual with a guy? Every dude I talk to I somehow make the conversation sexual even when they came to me looking to be just friends. I always bring it up first and I do not know how to stop this**

  1. Just leave… People that really but REALLY want to get to know you won’t ask you sexual stuff

  2. Do you do this even around friends? If you do, maybe you can talk to them and ask them to call out the times you do it so you can learn to catch yourself more and stop yourself from doing it.

  3. This I feel like depends largely on your age. This is fairly common behavior between teenagers.

    It sounds like you are just a very sexual person and there is nothing wrong with that. Some of us just have a higher sex drive and it’s perfectly fine.

    Masturbation can help relive this tension and make it ten times easier to talk to someone without wanting to jump their bones.

    There is also a chance you may be exhibiting signs of hyper sexuality caused by trauma as well. However I don’t have enough information to truly say whether that is the case here.

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