How important are good teeth when selecting a partner?

  1. Critical along with fresh breath. Anything of poor standards is not even given a second chance.

  2. In the US, they are an indicator of privilege, and most people can’t control what privilege they have. So not really that important to me.

  3. quite shallow, but all my past gfs had perfect teeth. i think itll be hard for me to get attracted to someone with really bad/crooked teeth. I know that’s possible to change, but if not done at 30 (age i am right now), then when are you gonna do it?

  4. I don’t care if they’re straight as long as he’s not missing any and has great oral hygiene.

  5. I don’t care at all as long as they’re clean. I actually think a little crooked is hot honestly

  6. Good teeth as in pristine white etc isn’t important to me at all, but maintaining good mouth hygiene is essential.

  7. Not at all, good teeth are usually a sign of privilege. Personality is what matters in a person.

  8. I suffered two years with braces so I’m biased. Not looking for anything but honestly it could be a factor I guess.

  9. I can understand if someone cant afford to have their teeth straightened, as long as they are clean (as well as the mouth)
    Cleanliness is a trait that humans look for, and being clean is important for your personal health

  10. My parents never got me braces so im stuck with crooked teeth. They believed that if I pushed them with my tongue they would fix themselves.

  11. Don’t really care about the shape or anything they just have to be clean. I don’t want to date someone who will just let their teeth rot out of their mouth. I dealt with my dad’s mouth smelling bad all my life (like the type of stank that you could be away from him but if he opens his mouth you’ll smell is stanky rotten ass teeth) and I’m not gonna deal with that in a partner.

    I have a really good sense of smell and I just hate and can’t tolerate smelly things. Like it gets me severely agitated to be around smelly people.

    So yeah, pretty damn important for my partner to have good hygiene and teeth up keep

  12. They don’t need to be perfectly straight or super white. But cavities are contagious and I’m not kissing anyone with gross teeth.

  13. Very. I don’t mind crooked or repaired, like, I get quality varies but as long as they’re cleaning them and going to dentist regularly it’s ok. Rotting teeth that you can smell from distance… nope nope nope

  14. Within the top five first things I’d check for sure.

    If your hygiene in your mouth is bad , it’s a straight up no. If you have a wee bit of crooked teeth, cuuutttee. Now ; I’ll be honest and say if it’s looks like some of your teeth are trying to run away from your gums or you only have three teeth, I’m out. Personal preference of any kind is absolutely allowed.

    Edit – a word

    Here to say that if I spent money making my mouth pretty and teeth white ; I can damn well search for someone with beautiful teeth too and there’s nothing wrong w that. Nothing wrong w loving people w imperfect mouths either.

  15. as someone with some white dots on teeth that are unable to be removed except for getting veneers, it was too costly for my parents to get them fixed for me. i’m saving up for this in the future. i’m really insecure about it, so if someone doesnt mind that i’d actually love them sm

  16. As long as their healthy and kept clean, that’s good with me. I actually think crooked teeth are a little cute, lol. I dunno why, I guess just gives a little character

  17. I didn’t really notice people’s teeth until I straightened mine out as an adult. It’s worth the investment if you can afford it, but not everyone can afford it. Most places in the US have a payment plan, but even then, it can be out of reach for some people. My parents couldn’t when I was a kid, so it became a priority for me as an adult.

  18. I once read somewhere that healthy teeth and skin are amongst the most critical determinants of attraction. I doubt that people consciously select partners in this way, but they are going to be naturally repelled by someone with poor oral/general hygiene/health. I’ve always enjoyed looking at (healthy) teeth and appreciating their absolute uniqueness from person to person (I know that’s a bit odd) and I personally have a thing for slightly crooked teeth/people who clearly never had braces. I think it adds character to a face.

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