While living in Europe, I found that I have a preference for curvy women, and I don’t find skinny and obese women attractive. This resulted in a racial preference as I started finding Non-White women more attractive than White women.

  1. I just focus on the important aspects like being healthy, open minded, born without a penis, and can have deep conversations with

  2. I don’t know if I have any tbh, there’s no body type I’d call beautiful or ugly

  3. I prefer thin to thick-ish. Height, race and whatever else doesn’t really matter much.

  4. Not really for dating because there’s beauty in all types and it’s not just about looks, but there are some types that come to mind first

  5. I have a strong preference for women I have good conversation with. I have to be a lot more forgiving in the looks department. I’ve dated White, Black, and SE Asian though. I would say I like naturally darker skin though. Really pale skin seems kind of sickly to me.

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