I love both of my parents equally despite the fact that I grew up with mostly my dad. But I’ve heard multiple people saying things like they don’t like their dads (maybe because they left them at an early age) or they love their mums more or something along those lines. The people that are closer to their dads seem to be in the minority. Do you love both of your parents equally or one more than the other?

  1. I miss them both equally, although I find myself missing them for different reasons.

    I got on well with my mother for short periods, but we were too similar to spend much time together before arguing. Where as I could spend hours with my dad and not have a cross word, but we disagreed on a basic level on a lot of things.

  2. I would honestly say I love neither. I grew up in poverty, to a large extent driven by my parents getting involved in the credit card hype and them spending far more than they earned. This led to me missing out on lots of things as a child, which inevitably breeds some resentment.

    Now I am doing well for myself, they constantly pester me for money and still refuse to acknowledge why I don’t want to give them anything (they have said they would pay it back previously only to not do it).

  3. I love my folks proportionately to how much effort they individually put into raising me, and how much interest they’ve each shown in my life as an adult. Which means I’m leaning towards mum.

  4. Nah. My mum raised me and always did her best, god love her. My dad left when I was young and I didn’t exist in his eyes again until I was an adult.

    I now speak to him and see him occaisionally and am polite etc. but I couldn’t say I love him. I love, respect and try to honour my mum though.

  5. Not at all. I’m estranged from one of them because they’ve never known how to act and never will. So obviously I lean towards the other.

  6. I have a weird situation where my dad was my primary caregiver for several years, as my mum actually managed to get a job (the 80’s were not a fun time for many) but I have a stronger relationship with my mum.

    I also have never called either of them mum or dad, as I had heard both of their names used at toddler group and assumed that’s what they should be called.

    Yes I am an odd sort, thanks for asking.

  7. It’s awful to say this but I ‘meh’ them both equally. I don’t love them. I don’t hate them. I forget I even have parents. So just ‘meh’

  8. I have two wonderful, divorced parents who have two equally wonderful partners (I was an adult when they separated).

    I love both of them, pretty much equally but for different things and I have very different relationships with them.

  9. I’ve not spoken to my dad in twenty years and likely won’t speak to him ever again. I can’t think of any reason why I would get in touch so definitely not equal. I love my mum, and would only really consider her as a parent.

  10. I certainly liked my dad way more growing up, and he did more of my upbringing.
    Now my mum has got through menopause and is no longer batshit crazy, we get on ok but wouldn’t bother with each other if we weren’t related.

    She’s now possibly terminally ill so for better or for worse that’s 50 years of history of my lifetime likely to change soon.

  11. My Mother is a cunt, my father is my hero. Definitely love my dad, cant say the same for my mother.

  12. I love them both but relate to my dad more. We both have similar interests and growing up we use to do more activities together.

  13. Love them both equally, but my Dad and I have a lot more in common in terms of outlook, interests, sense of humour, etc.

    Would rather go for a pint with my dad…

  14. I have an amazing Mum and Dad and I love them equally. As a 32 year old female I definitely share more personal things with my Mum, but my Dad and I also have a great relationship. I am very lucky to have such great parents.

  15. I definitely have a lot more in common, both in terms of interests and ideology, with my mum, but I would say I love them both equally – I’d be equally upset if something happened to either of them, for example.

  16. Equally. They both adore their children – and each other. We ‘kids’ got lucky.

  17. Growing up I loved them both equally. They were great parents and gave me and my brothers amazing childhoods. Now I’m an adult myself with children, as sad as it is to say, they are more of a hindrance than anything. They have been separated for 15 years and both have their issues that for some reason always fall on to me and my brothers to sort out.

    I hope they sort their shit out soon so we can have a nice relationship again.

  18. My dad was defo my favourite. I had a connection with him that was difficult but really special. My mum. Meh. Not so much. We love each other, and I can spend half an hour with her having a laugh, but fundamentally her attitudes and behaviours are wrong.

  19. I love them both equally. I get on really well with them. They’re good people. But I like my mum slightly more.

    I like my dad as well, don’t get me wrong, but he’s stubborn and self-righteous and impatient and can never admit when he’s wrong, which are all traits I suffer from myself and work really, really hard to get rid of. Sometimes being around him is like having the old me thrown in my face and it makes me cringe.

    My mum has flaws too but I don’t share them, so she’s much easier to be around!

  20. Biological father was a married Muslim man. When I reached out to him, he wouldn’t engage with me and my half sibling threatened me. The other Bengali Muslims were so disgusted with his behaviour that they ran him out of town. I don’t love him one bit. My stepfather came into my life whilst my mother was still pregnant with me, he was a violent alcoholic, I’ve been no contact with him for about 12 years, I don’t love him.

    My mother was a racist, druggy abusive piece of shit and it’s safe to say I don’t love her either! When they’re dead, I’ll go to their funerals just to make sure it’s true.

  21. Loved my mum, never got on with my dad and we often clashed. Only went to his funeral for my mums sake. Didn’t see him for the last 5yrs of his life. Can’t be doing with this, ‘Blood is thicker than water’, bullshit. Life is too short, if you don’t like someone don’t bother seeing them

  22. My much prefer my mum. She didn’t get pissed off with me whenever I fucked up a maths question when I was younger.

  23. I love my mum but I don’t like her very much.

    I dislike/hate my dad. He’s honestly one of the most disgusting people I’ve ever known and doesn’t see any issue with his behaviour or attitude.

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