I’m seeing a guy who I like a lot. He lives 3-4 hours from me and I want to go visit him, but I also don’t want to intrude.

  1. I’d probably invite you to stay the night. Round-trip is a lot of driving for one day

  2. Is it something you talked about, if not mention it to test the water. Make sure you have game plan an a good space for down time. If it’s the first time meeting up (or if your not feeling serious yet) maybe meet halfway, for a half day. Be careful with your wording makes sure you clear on weather you fooling around or Fooling Around!

    (Also let someone close to you know the game plan for safety reasons)

    Also with almost 8 hours of driving maybe he should sleep in a hotel that night

    TLDR the question is are you ready for him

  3. “You sure you wouldn’t rather stay for the whole weekend? That’s quite the drive, you know. Lmk when you’re leaving at any rate, because I need to clean lol”

  4. I’d be stoked. Might be in a slight panic to vacuum and take out the trash but overall stoked.

  5. Personally if unless we had a pre established relationship before hand, 4 hours distance would be too much for me. Everyone is different though

  6. You won’t intrude at all. Considering long distance this shouldn’t be a problem at alll

  7. Why don’t you ask him first and see what he says. Don’t just show up. He may have plans.

  8. If I liked her? I would drop everything I was doing, plug in my radar detector and hit the highway to go pick her up. (But I’m also a maniac.)

  9. If I like that girl it would be awesome. Definitely wouldn’t have any issues with that.
    I don’t know any guy who would object! Unless he is not interested in that girl.

  10. Not enough context. A. How long you been talking? B. Has he asked you to visit before? If not..why?

  11. If I liked a girl and she wanted to come see me why wouldn’t I want that? If that’s intrusion to him, it’s time to move on

  12. This makes me feel less scared to ask in my scenario as well; ty OP haha 🙂

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