I am (28/M) dating a girl (23/F). We had three dates so far, but we haven’t had sex yet. She had much more sexual partners than me which I don’t care, she is a 10/10. We really enjoy dating, and she already told me that she is really into me.

Last time she was drunk and asked me if I am satisfied with my penis size. I told her I never had any complaints, but it is average. I did not tell her it is 6 inches. She told me this is the answer she wanted to hear, she likes that I accept myself and I am confident. But she also mentioned guys tried to date her with 10-12 inches, but she does not care about size.

I am not sure if she wanted to be assured that my size is big. But I told her it is not, and she said it is okay, but still feel triggered. It was a silly question, but hurt my ego a bit. I am nervous I won’t be enough for her. She assured me that she is really into me, but this question is just doesn’t make sense.

I like her, and enjoy her company, but I don’t know what to think about it.

  1. First she said that while she was drunk, so to point out the obvious she wasn’t thinking straight. Most people know if a person is really drunk, don’t put to much thought into what they say.

    Second. She doesn’t care about your size, shes into you and is glad you’re confident. So what’s to think about? She’s into you and you find her attractive. Win win bud

  2. Is the question weird? Yea. But I’m guessing she asked it to find out if you’re a guy who’s insecure about his dick size, and we’re showing her you are.

    Why does your size have to do with if you can satisfy her or not?

  3. Yeah i was at a space shuttle with alien babes from planet Fuckurus they where literally 200omicron persey /10 But they couldnt use the tractor beam because of my 2000 feet dick that exist in a 6th dimension space. So they asked if can have sex with the black hole and of course i did but then the space whal farted…..

    I think this is exactly as realistic as your story

    I mean if you do bullshit at least make it funny

  4. Dating a guy who is insecure about his penis size, especially if you don’t care, is a terrible time. She’s likely trying to protect herself from dating someone who is going to project his insecurities onto her. I am personally over dating guys who can’t see past their own ego so her question makes sense.

    The vast majority of women can’t orgasm from penetration alone, and men who are unsatisfied with their own penis have even more trouble satisfying women in my experience. She didn’t ask you what the size was at all, she asked you about your own satisfaction. Then she explicitly told you she does not care. What additional reassurance can you possibly want??

  5. Trust me, as a woman who has experienced a range of sizes, and am now engaged to a healthy average, women typically don’t suuuupperr care about size as long as the guy is good in bed. It’s fun to talk to your friends when you hook up with someone above average, but I have never once made a serious dating decision based on his size. Unless it was pretty well below average, if I’m brutally honest. But average and up, you’re in the game for probably 90% of women, and certainly anyone worth dating.

    If you can express passion and confidence, know what you’re doing foreplay wise, and make her feel beautiful, there’s nothing to worry about, size wise.

    Also – unless she’s an adult film actress I doubt she has THAT many 10-12″ knocking on her door. That’s crazy. Sounds like a drunken brag.

  6. A woman who “doesn’t care about size” asked you how big your unit is? Does the term “bullshit” come to mind?

  7. 10-12 inches you are literally talking about less than like half a percent of the entire male population. That’s so dumb like people who need something that big to get off they need surgical tightening or something like that that’s messed up. Guarantee none of those guys went all the way in either LMAO. You’re fine you have to remember the mood is the biggest thing to get satisfaction. Not your dick, the mood you give her.

  8. Ask her if she is satisfied with her

    Vagina size/tightness

    or not. She’s playing sexist hypocrisy mind games with you. Not an attractive quality at all.

  9. 10-12 is absurd. There’s just no way, that maybe be one in a thousand if even that

  10. She a hoe, run unless sex is all you want she ain’t the loyal type.. she’ll probably won’t let you hit it

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