Hey so 23m, dated my ex for 4 years, 23F. She was truly my best friend, we couldn’t make things work and decided we both just have to go do our own thing. I was planning on moving to the city she lives in to start school before we broke up and I still moved there after. I’ve been here for about 4 months going to school, been living well and going out but she’s just constantly on my mind. When we broke up the final time it was mutual, we both said who knows maybe one day we can be friends or back together or maybe nothing but, for the time being after we broke up we couldn’t see each other. In my head she’s still like my best friend, my person, and I just can’t stop thinking about her. When I go out in town for errands or to the bars, I just hope that i’ll run into her because I want to just see her again. I’ve looked at her social media, she has a new guy, which I kind of expected knowing her. It doesn’t really bother me a lot, it hurts sure but I just want her to be happy.

Anyways, I’ve been fighting myself from texting her and asking if she wants to go get a drink sometime and just catch up. I’m not sure what my intentions are, sure part of me is still in love with her but I just really feel like I want to talk to her. I don’t know, do I text her, or am I just supposed to heal past this and forget about her? I don’t want to hurt her in anyway if I text her, I really just want her to be happy.

TL:DR Me and my ex of 4 years have been broken up for a few months. I want to text her and see if she wants to get a drink and catch up, should I?

  1. I would only ask her if you’re sure you can see her as a friend, and honestly it doesn’t sound like you can just yet, to me. Also only ask if you’re prepared to hear no as well.

  2. I would not txt her to meet up if you don’t know what your intentions are. You already know she is seeing someone else so it would be inappropriate for you to meet with her and declare your feelings. You should wait until you can handle your feelings before reaching out.

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