Why do you think life is worth living?

  1. Because there are so many things that I want to do that I wouldn’t be able to if I was dead. Eat good food, spend time with friends, have sex with my partner, pet cute puppies, etc. You don’t need to have a grandiose purpose to life; you just have to enjoy the time you have.

  2. I dont think its worth living, but I dont think its worth not living either.

    We are beings of pure randomness and just happen by chance to be here, we are the only iterations of ourselves that will exist in this point in time, so why not just stay around and see what will happen.

  3. Because of my ability to have fun and be happy regardless of people, situations, family etc.

    I have a great family and I am surrounded by good people but I have times of loneliness but I find a way to enjoy(books, podcasts, Xbox😂).

    Situations arent always great and sometimes days can be really shitty and I feel worthless. Yes I go back to people who make me feel good but I also go to places alone that make me happy(any lake or beach or riverside).

    Life is absolutely worth living because you can always find a way to be happy and enjoy yourself.

  4. I don’t think it is worth living.

    I’m ready to go, and that day will come. I don’t have a choice in that, none of us do.

    So in the meantime, I may as well enjoy my pleasures where I can.

  5. Productive work, romance, the arts, hobbies/entertainment, friendships, happiness, pleasure. The alternative is death, you only live once.

  6. Sun rises, sun sets, smiling faces, bike rides, laughing, fruitful conversation …. An unlimited amount of reasons why.

  7. By itself, it’s very much not.

    But I can (try to) fill it with things that make it so.

  8. Because I have decided it was based on the happiness I have and can achieve and enjoyment I can obtain

  9. I’m just alive because of guilt and spite.

    Definitely wouldn’t pass this BS on to anyone though. Pretty sure I would have an easier time living with myself if I committed murder than I would if I ever got someone pregnant.

  10. I don’t, but I like living anyway, while I can have some joy from small things like food, my dog, fresh air when walking, games on my pc in bluestacks, my friends or anything else – I will live.

  11. If you’re asking this question it’s because you haven’t found purpose yet.

    It will vary by individual but every man needs to find his own

  12. Because almost every day I get to enjoy sexy time with my wife. I crave that body. So, I stay motivated.

  13. Tomorrow exists. Even though I have gone through a lot of problems in my life, have things to work through, and am behind where other people appear to be on average compared to myself, things can change any time for the much better. Making the decision to stop trying is giving up, I’ve made it through too many situations where I thought I would never be able to have a decent life to find out that I can still be happy and even happier in the future to consider not at least trying. Even if I fail, I can look back and say that I tried and never fully gave up even if there were a few things I let keep me down for a bit.

  14. 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
    Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish. Learn more


    i suggest calling this number if you are having bad thoughts my friend

  15. It’s only worth living because the alternative is even more meaningless. The rest of value comes from each individual alone.

  16. I really don’t. It could be. Maybe, maybe not. You could be 90 and someone would ask you and u may say it wasn’t worth it or you might say it was

  17. I’m not depressed or anything, I’m actually a really happy guy but I realize that my life doesn’t mean all that much and that’s okay. I just stick around because I think there are a few people who still need me, there are so many occasions where I just happened to be at the right place at the right time, and if I wasn’t someone could have died or gotten really messed up. I think I’m just supposed to float on and live and If someone needs me I’ll happen to be there for them and if I die, then I did what I was supposed to do and everything is alright.

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