Every time a girl can talk you or show some interest for only to leave you on red or ghosted if you text her on send a dm or sm message . Why do girls do this , just curious , I’m not saying all girls are like this though but the majority of them I know are . If you are not that girl then don’t get upest with this statement. The girls know who they are that do this . I’m not even creepy about it or give off the nice guy vibe. I often wondered if I was a gang member, drug dealer, bad boy , street dude etc , girl wouldn’t leave on me on red , I feel like most women love bad boys and I’m not mad about that . Go to that bad boy and have your fun , I’m all for that . Especially If i was in jail a girl would give me the time of the day , it’s sad but that’s how it works. I must be too boring or nice . Pookie and Ray Ray don’t struggle when it comes to getting girls . Like I said I’m not saying all girls are like this but most of them are . The good girls are hidden and outnumbered by the other girls so it’s hard to find that good girl that is not like that. I’m not upset just stating the facts. Plus looks, money , and status matter to them but I think the bad boy aura out powers those three things . Girls say they don’t go for that but look girls sleep with Drake , future chis brown . I bet if those guys gave you a chance you will be running to them, don’t lie . You would not admit it though but your actions speak otherwise. A bad boy never struggles to get the girl, it’s always the nice guy , akward guys that do struggle . As much as girls say they would give that nerd , nice guy a chance , they actions speak otherwise , they lieing . They with Drake , future, and Chris brown .

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