I recently got really big into working out and lifting and I’ve put on a fair bit of muscle along with some body fat. Unfortunately for I hold most of my excess fat in my mind section and around my hips so I have to get super lean for my abs to pop.

I’m currently cutting right now but I’m really dissatisfied with my physique and it’s completely killed my dating confidence. I was just wondering if women actually care about a guy being super ripped or if being slightly fit is good enough?

  1. I care about a guy being super ripped because I am relatively fit. I only date out of shape when I am out of shape. I do not give others a better than they give me.

  2. It matters a lot on tinder, but less so in other venues. (Never had a six pack, but was always rather successful in dating)

  3. Funny enough… somehow when I had a six pack I did awful.

    My first relationship happened because of the dad bod.

  4. It does help but the most important part is to look fit with your cloth on. The 6 pack is just the bonus when you take off your shirt

  5. For me, it DOESN’T matter. Now, if you date someone who’s also a gym rat, they might care because it’s their lifestyle and may want to be with like-minded people. However, I have friends who are opposite of each other in that aspect, yet are very much in love.
    I’ve been with people who were very fit and with some who weren’t. If someone is interested in only your body, do you really want to be with person?

  6. It should have nothing to do with your dating life in general.

    If by “dating” you actually mean hooking up then you might not get as much attention, but even then very few guys have 6 packs so it shouldn’t be a factor either way.

  7. Nope. For me, Ripped guys with muscle pics in their profile make me assume “he’s very superficial”, and then I’d either be insecure or just not click at all.

    Stay fit, be functionally active (like hike, bike, etc) is what I hope for. An extra lb is fine.
    What would impress me is if a kind, smart and fit guy can ALSO cook a delicious and *healthy* meal.

  8. Couldn’t care less and actively swipe left on topless pics coz it screams arrogance to me. However I’m chubby myself so I guess it could depend if you are expecting a perfectly fit girl or not

  9. I’m pretty sure I got a six pack underneath my backup calorie pack.

    In all seriousness I wouldn’t get a six pack for the hottest women on earth, it’s very hard to maintain and really just means you’re not eating enough to build muscle elsewhere as effectively.

  10. As a gym girl, I much prefer guys with some good muscle mass rather than a six pack

  11. most women will tell you they don’t care. don’t brag with it but as soon as you get to know them they’ll be touching it all the time

  12. Women aren’t a monolith, so I won’t speak for all of us. But in general, I feel like 6 packs are more for one’s own self esteem and for men’s idea of ideal masculinity, rather than what women like. I don’t know many other women who’ve voiced they care about abs, beyond maybe a “dang his abs were impressive.” General fitness and health, sure. But actually ripped to the point of a six pack, no.

    Personally, I prefer a moderately fit “dad bod.” But I have a moderately fit mom bod minus the kid, so that’s probably a contributing factor lol. If your type is bikini comp models who also want to live at the gym with you, you’ll probably get different opinions. Though I can say even when I was amateur bodybuilding, my type was still moderately fit dad bods. I need a little cuddle fluff. And bodies that show a person has a good balance between health and being able to enjoy themselves is hot to me. I don’t wanna live on chicken and broccoli forever and I don’t want a partner who does. But I also don’t want a partner who lives on pizza and is never going to get out of the house and be active with me.

  13. Women like you depending on how you make them feel. we put more pressure on ourselves to look a certain way that is actually warranted.

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