It can be yours or your own fathers’ experiences. It’s something you can be proud of for the rest of your life.

  1. A very small one but my kid and another kid were running around together at a park. Their legs tangled and my kid did a face plant on the concrete. I took off running to get to her without even really thinking about it or feeling emotional. My wife later said she was impressed with how fast I got there but I don’t remember it being a big deal

  2. Daughter was being bullied. I was called into school for a one to one with student liaison woman.

    She takes me to a tiny room where deputy head, year head, form tutor and student liaison were waiting.

    They spent an hour telling me she needs to be more like the bullies and fit in and then they’ll leave her alone.

    I took them apart. Stood my ground. Tore their suggestions to shreds and walked out. They did exactly what I told them to do and the student liaison quit.

  3. The movie plot super dad is all about fighting and winning for the kids, but IRL the ‘this calls for Superdad’ is usually time management. So I got a conference call from work and my daughter has another kids birthday party to attend and my son was playing goof around little league (much like scouting, some little leagues are more serious than others…). All at the same time of course. IIRC my wife was medically supporting my MiL at the time so it was just me vs the entire world, it seems.

  4. Tl;dr, taught my son there’s a right and a wrong way to defend yourself.

    My son was being bullied and wanted to fight. I told him there are things that have to happen before then, starting with “teach you to fight so you don’t get hurt.”

    So I had his schedule shifted, to avoid the bully. Then I started teaching him to fight, while I went to the school and did my part of the list (report it, follow up, see if anything changed, warn the principal in writing, etc).

    When the list was exhausted, he knew how to fight, and we were sure the school was going to do nothing, I had his schedule shifted back and told him I’d support him if he defended himself.

    The bully hit him and my son rocked him and made sure the bully’s friends couldn’t blindside him. And because I went to the principal first, my son basically didn’t get in trouble while the other kid was out for 2 weeks. When he got back the billing stopped.

  5. It’s not a moment, it’s a grind. I lost my job because I was sick with covid. Now my wife is sick, unrelated stuff, but it’s going to be months.

    So, I get up at 5, do my job search, kids are up around 9. I make sure everyone is fed. We homeschool, so dad’s the teacher. We usually finish up around 1-3. I get housework done. Make sure kids do their share. Sometimes the wife can cook, sometimes it’s me. Kids have to get to sports, activities, doctors, you name it.

    Family has to run. If mom’s down, dad’s up.

  6. hmm I think fatherhood in general is a superdad moment. u don’t get the appreciation that mothers get but u have the responsibility of providing for your family. u have to come thru when trouble hits but also have humility n deal with your kids emotionally.

    fatherhood is crazy. 🤯

  7. The first time you are confronted with a leaky poopy filled diaper and moms isn’t around to handle it…

  8. Cleaning up projectile vomit in the car. Managed to do so in a gas station parking lot without gagging. Cleaned up kids covered in it too.

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