I broke up with my ex almost a year ago. It did not end on good terms and we both did things we were not proud of. At first I was sad I broke up with her but then I was honestly really relieved because it was a pretty toxic relationship. After breaking things of with her, I found it really easy to get with other girls and have dated around quite a lot since the breakup however
,recently I’ve been pretty burned out on that and have been thinking about getting into a more serious relationship again.

However, for some reason I really started to miss my ex. I constantly am thinking about her and I can’t help but wonder if I made the wrong decision. I haven’t reached out to her since but I really want to.

Any advice on how to proceed? Is this just a part of going through a breakup or did I make a mistake and should I try to reach out to her?

  1. First you need to somehow be sure of her feeling towards you. Should be obvious from her actions if you guys still get to hang out. And if she already has another bf, you can stop thinking about her. Maybe try to somehow get in contact with her first if you haven’t already.

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