I get really turned on of the thought of when I lick my girlfriend’s pussy with something sweet dripping down it. Will she get a infection if I drip apple juice down her pussy while I lick it? Btw she doesn’t have any STD’s or any sort of infections ever in her life.

  1. Sugar and pussy don’t mix. The marvellous vaginal micro-biome is pretty amazing at keeping itself clean and healthy, but add a bunch of sugar and it’s yeast city. There are artificially sweetened flavoured lubes on the market that should be safe, tho.

  2. Yes, this will increase the probability of her getting a yeast infection. Use flavored lube it’s literally meant for this, just try not to have penatrative sex using flavored lube, it’s technically not meant for that.

  3. You should probable keep that as thought only, it’s not worth the risks

  4. Be careful bro! You don’t want to put anything in or on her actual pussy. The same as licking her ass then licking her pussy the chance for an infection in her pussy increases. Could pour apple juice on her tits and suck it off then run your tongue down her belly …

  5. Please for the love of all things holy. Do not put any sugary into a vagina.
    She will have the worst yeast infection on this planet!

    Even plenty of flavored lubes can cause a yeast infection. Please be careful

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