Hi All

I was wondering what non artists think about a person who has art that they’ve created in their online dating profile. In my own OLD profile I often add one or two illustrations that I’ve drawn so people can get a feel for what sort of person they’re getting involved with, tho I’ve never really seen other profiles with art in them (besides the odd jpeg of a persons favorite sports team) So I was just wondering what folks thought about seeing art in a persons profile. Does it give you more insight into the person? Is it a turn off because you’d rather see photos of the person? Are you indifferent?

  1. I’d rather see a photo of the person. An ideal solution can be to have the art in your instagram and link that to your profile. Or maybe post a picture of you making the art or posing next to it?

  2. I much rather prefer to see pictures of the person. Artwork can be linked to or shared at a later date.

  3. I love it (but I’m an artist myself). I dont need to see 9 pics of the person, especially because most people tend to show the same angles/types of shots. I like pics that also show me something about the person – a pet, a place, a hobby, etc. Plus, if you’re a talented artist, it makes you appear more attractive to people who are into creative types!

  4. As someone who doesn’t care much for physical art on its own I would rather see a picture of you painting or drawing or whatnot. Save the actual artwork for a date. I’d like to hear a story behind it or have it explained but outside of saying “oh that’s a nice picture” it doesn’t move the needle for me.

  5. I like seeing it because I don’t like men who are artists (I’m into business/law/STEM) so it makes for an easy disqualification.

    That said, women who are really artistic and like those types of men may appreciate it.

    You’ll never appeal to everyone but you definitely want to attract your niche.

  6. I’m always happy to have a break from the curated tedium of posed best practices profile pics.

  7. You’re probably going to get a good 50/50 split. I tend to air on the side of no non-person photos. So many people are poor at posting good pics of themselves I prefer a larger sample size.

  8. I find it irritating when someone uses their limited photo slots to show something that’s not a photo of them. I’m sure your art is beautiful, but the profile is very much a “top of the funnel” tool to determine attraction (based on photos) and whether we’d get along (based on prompts). Prompts are a great place to talk about your art, though!

  9. Probably wouldn’t post more than one unless you are standing in front of it honestly, and definitely not in the first 3.

  10. Idk, I always feel a weird pressure when I look at people’s creations in front of them.

    Like when someone has an acoustic guitar around a campfire and it’s supposed to be meaningful, or something how he strums and sings Wonderwall, also the only song he knows.

    So it’s a no from me.

  11. If you have a picture of you painting a work in progress that would be cool and a good prompt. just a pic of the art? nah.

  12. To me it would come across as either 1) you’re trying to promote your art (esp if you link your instagram) or 2) you’re fishing for compliments on your art

    I’d much rather see a pic of it once we’re chatting. Unless it’s something really odd/dark I’m not sure what the picture would really tell me vs. just mentioning being an artist in your profile.

  13. I’m an art person and *I* don’t like seeing it if the person isn’t in the photo with it. To me it just feels random and sort of annoying – like when people use the voice thing on Hinge to record guitar. Like yeah, interesting hobby, but I’d rather discuss that on the first date. And hear your voice first to gauge what *you* are like. Similarly if a guy just had a car in the photo and nothing else – cool hobby if you fixed it up, *but*, would rather see a photo of you + hobby.

    I’m also just going to be honest, art is sometimes in the eye of the beholder. I might be more judgey as an art person myself but if I see art I don’t like it makes it harder to swipe right (one example I can think of was someone who shared his insta handle and it was all tastefully done, but art of naked or nearly naked women). Which is dumb to judge but I mean… OLD is all about quick judgments and sometimes it’s best to save the questionable art & guitar playing to texting after the first date…

    **edit:** to be fair this might be personality though. I could give zero shits if someone likes my art, it’s not something I consider necessary to date me! As long as they’re accepting of me doing it. So maybe that is a factor for you I am not understanding.

  14. If you’re not in the picture—whatever the picture may be—it makes me question your judgement because it seems like you don’t get what OLD photos are for. I recognize others may see non-user photos as showing other interests, but I am looking at your photos to see what you look like. It’s much more compelling to see a picture of you next to your art or creating it or holding it if you want to include your artistic side (and I would encourage doing that!)

  15. If you are a man interested in women, I vote a picture of yourself. The amount of non-people photos I have to go through is shocking. I wanna see you!! You’d have a one up 😂 I agree with others about linking it or something

  16. I’d rather see you than pictures of your art. Maybe pictures or videos of you creating your art, but definitely want to see a person in photos. If you mention in your profile you’re an artist or creator and we match, this is where I’d want to learn more about/see photos while we get to know each other!

  17. I’d rather not see it in a profile, or if it’s there, just like 1 pic. I’m not interested in dating art, I’m interested in dating a person. I’m not going to gaze into the eyes of a sculpture over dinner, or hold hands with a painting. It’s not just art: I wouldn’t be interested in a person with a bunch of pics of any 1 profession or hobby. I don’t need 5 pics with a kayak in it either.

  18. Lol let it be known that I will swipe on a profile just because I was impressed with the art (and have done so many times). I do have an artistic background to be fair.

    But I love love love artistic/creative/talented people. It really just drives me wild lol

  19. I won’t say I’m indifferent, it’s not going to make a difference to which way I swipe, but it might help me get a vague sense of the person a little better.

  20. If you aren’t in the picture, don’t post it. Put the art in the background if you must, if there was a filter to screen out profiles without a person in the profile I would enable it.

  21. Could you just create an instagram for the art and link that so it appears at the bottom?

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