For clarification, I do know the correct term is “strangle.” I used to say I liked choking because I liked when past partners would hold my neck with a firm grip. Recently, I met a guy who went for a full on squeeze the first time we had sex. It was so hard I was making noises and thought I was going to have marks. However, I was still able to breathe.

After reading about how common breath play is online, I’m wondering if others have been indulging in much more intense forms of choking. How hard do you and your partner go?

  1. I hate to be a buzzkill and I’m not kink-shaming anyone, but everyone should know that [erotic choking carries significant health risks that are difficult to avoid]( Anything that compresses your airway and/or the arteries in your neck carries the chance of injury. Please don’t put up with anyone springing that kind of play on you, even if you can technically still breathe during.

  2. I wish people weren’t so into choking. I’m all for a gentle squeeze or placing the hands around the neck, but actually pressing down with the intent of stopping oxygen is so dangerous. This is easily the most dangerous sexual activity you could do, outside of bloodplay. I’ve heard that some sexual professionals (sex therapists, educators, etc) believe that people will do it no matter how dangerous it is, so it’s better to just teach people how to do it somewhat safer. Risk prevention and all that. Do choking at your own risk. You could get permanent damage from it though.

  3. Are you practicing it safely? Fingers on the sides of neck? I suggest not doing this with someone you aren’t in a relationship with because you need trust and if something goes wrong you can find yourself in a dangerous and very awkward position. It should never be more than a bit of pressure. They can hurt you and leave damage that you can’t see. If repeated this is harmful

  4. I first learned how to choke while doing martial arts, it’s something I really enjoy both giving and receiving. I love it most right as I am orgasming, it makes the experience that much more intense.

    I personally get off on the control aspect of choking someone, and equally love the submission aspect and “fuzzy feeling” of having the blood to my brain restricted. That being said, I would say that I’m very cautious about how hard I go, and certainly am not restricting blood for longer than a few breaths. It has always felt very intuitive to me.

  5. Trigger warning for SA

    I have been to the doctor today because a new guy I was seeing choked me without consent, my neck and throat are still hurting 24hrs later, my doctor said it is extremely dangerous and wanted me to press charges.

    She warned me never to agree to it as the risk of death or paralysis is always there. If you have been choked you can feel fine and still die up to two weeks later due to oxygen restriction so it’s really important to see a doctor if something like that ever happens.

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