How do I deal with this situation? It all starts when I get into highschool and needed people to hang out with, that’s when I found that 3 of my classmates where playing video games (especially CS:GO) and decided to play with them since I was good at CS:GO and wanted to have fun. At first I had fun around them, online, offline in classroom or on different events, but it all started to get bad. I realised that they like to make fun of people and they started to treat me like shit most of the time. They take advantage of my good behaviour everytime they feel like it. How do I get rid of them? I’m still in highschool, still in the same class as them and you can’t really ditch them out without causing a lot of drama (and with me having a already big social anxiety dont really wanna cause that), like what should I do? I started to avoid them on different occasions, but I still can’t avoid them in class, right? Should I leave the things the same for the rest of highschool and cut the strings when I get to university? I really cannot stand them anymore

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