Which aspects of dating do you struggle with most?

  1. The will they- won’t they game at the start. Who’s going to ask who out? Who’s going to initiate that second date? Who’s going to plan what? … though as a socially awkward person who tends to attract other socially awkward people, it’s to be expected 🫤.

  2. Gathering the motivation/energy to do it, especially given how many people are bad conversationalists and/or bad at respecting boundaries.

  3. being autistic, my sensory needs as well as bad body image and a partner needing to be a safe person

  4. Putting myself out there. To be honest after reading quite a few of the posts on Reddit about dating makes me not want to get back out there anymore. I think I’d rather stay single. So many bad stories. Im just average and boring. I’d never attract anyone with what men want these days.

  5. finding someone to actually go on a date with you lmfaoo, everything else is easy

  6. I am not single, but when I was and even early on into dating my now partner, my biggest struggle is trusting an individual enough to open up. I’m very jaded when dating and am indecisive on whether or not I actually like a guy. I’m not the kind of woman unfortunately who meets a man and instantly likes him in a romantic way. I develop feelings over time so I absolutely have to get to know him and vice versa…this admittedly takes me a while. I’m very much a “you like me? you don’t know hardly anything about me” kind of woman. So if I’ve not opened up to a man and he’s head over boots or whatever for me, I’m a little weirded out truthfully. This has made me pull back from connections early on. Now if we have talked a lot for a few months and he says he likes me? Totally different story.

    But no, I can’t just open up to anyone. I’m more reserved than that. I have to feel the connection. And I struggle with feeling fake early on when establishing rapport because like I said, how on earth could you like me or want to be with me if you don’t know enough about me to understand me? I take it as a red flag and back off.

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