I started talking to this girl for a few days or so from tinder, maybe 4. We started strong but then she’d take a while to respond, which I don’t really care about, but she became rly dry. Which isn’t rly a problem either bc I figured she was probably busy, but then she got really REALLY dry and I figured that she was hinting that she wasn’t interested- I think that’s a pretty safe assumption. So I stopped texting and she texted “where’d you go?” a day later. So then we had a little convo and then she got rly dry again. I know that she’s not inherently dry based off our first real convo. I was kinda confused so I told her “hey it’s been great getting to know you, and unfortunately I’m not really feeling a vibe between us. I don’t really see anything working out for us but I wish you all the best.” But then she’s telling me “lol I think you need to work on actually developing a friendship first but sure whatever good luck in life and whatever you’re looking for”. So I’m confused because I was trying to establish that friendship but I just figured it wasn’t worth my time because getting to know her/getting a normal response was just not happening. Am I in the wrong? I said what I said because I think it’s inconsiderate to ghost people, even if I don’t know them.

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