Does it mean she was assaulted as a child?

Or was she just raised by a single mother?

  1. A girl who’s attracted to older men because she never had a positive father figure.

  2. A girl who has a unhealthy/ dysfunctional relationships with men in her life.

    Usually in the context of allowing people to treat her like a piece of meat.

    Basically the result of poor or absentee parenting.

  3. She’s heavily into daddy/daughter role play.

    But, there are exceptions to that as well.

  4. Daddy issues are girls that express themselves as if they had no father figure to raise them “proper”. They can come off bratty, slutty, or needy because they had no father to show them respect, love and discipline to be a “proper lady”.

  5. I find it confusing. People talk about it but I see many women who want a man tall like thier father (6′) who will pay for them like their fathers did (6 figure)

  6. Screaming tantrums in a cry for the attention she never got – relentless and devoid of context, utterly inappropriate, often public in an attempt to shame you into action

    Constant challenges to your manhood – usually mocking, often by throwing herself at strangers, other men in front of you, again, in the search for the attention she never got – creating conflict between men, the ability to create it, makes her think she’s getting attention from men, ergo, her missing male figure (look at these men fighting each other for me. Daddy never did that)

    Constantly seeking approval from men even though it’s self destructive, and self denial – same as the above – but even more displaced – sucking cock after bring bought a few drinks, denying it happened. Doing it again.

    Latching on to older men with puppy like adoration.
    Especially men with an element of responsibility for them – doctor, teacher, priest, community figure, stepfather- and acting inappropriately in the context – then throwing it in your face as a challenge to your manhood – *”Oh my god, why do you have such a problem with my ex housemate?! We only hang out for drinks once in a while. He’s got his career going on, and drives a Mercedes. That’s why you’re jealous, isn’t it! Hahaha you’re so predictable and petty!”*

    Always denying any of it, despite evidence and witnesses – and making it about you having a problem with *him* and doing everything to avoid it bring about you having a problem with *her* – gaslighting

  7. Features that I could think are, but might not be limited to:

    * obsessive demand for affirmation and attention
    * being treated as a precious girl in need of protection
    * insistence on being assumed as innocent
    * rejection of responsibility for not controlling any of her emotions
    * fetish level preference for older men (/sexual disgust for men not in the age range that would indicate they are fathers)

  8. It means the woman is trying to get the male attention that she should have gotten from her father but didn’t. So she will ‘act out’ in highly dysfunctional ways to get that attention from men, and will be extremely insecure in her attachment to a romantic partner.

  9. Someone lacks a good relationship with her father or doesn’t have a father. In return, she seeks attention from men to fill the void or seek affirmation that’s she’s good enough. It leads to toxic codependent relationships. A lot of time, it’s with older men because they want someone to treat them like a daughter. The easiest way to get a man to show you attention is through sex.

  10. It’s any woman that has an absent, abusive, or otherwise poor father figure in their life that led to either a complete distrust or complete addiction to men. This can manifest in multiple ways, but the crux of it is usually that they have many problems getting into healthy romantic relationships, or exhibit very destructive behavior like constant one-night stands, or poor long-term choices like making an OnlyFans for the validation.

  11. There are assorted flavors and causes but most of the time when that specific term comes up the salient point is “she craves male attention and approval and will probably be willing to use her body to get it”. It basically exists as a more specific version of “slutty”.

    If people want to have any more serious or more detailed discussion about assault, trauma, single mothers, coping mechanisms, whatever they’re not going to be using the term “daddy issues” to do it.

  12. One way or another she doesn’t have a good example of a healthy male-female relationship in her life. Either her father was gone or her parents had a high dysfunctional relationship. Or her mother taught her really bad things about men.

    She is probably looking for a father figure in a husband.

  13. Stop worrying about slang like ‘daddy issues’, those are for the stupid. Most things in life require more than 2 or 3 sentences to explain, but people rather watch a tiktok video.

    About issues with parents. Boys and girls can have abundance or lack of all kinds of things in their youth which can make them develop behaviors which lead to challenge in adult life. They can either be spoiled and neglected when it comes to love and support. Too much can make them vulnerable, too little can make them feel unworthy.

    If you observe certain behavior in a woman which makes you question the role of her father, I encourage you to be specific about it. You will find that by diving deep into a specific example, there is much more to be learned than from meaningless answers to meaningless slang.

  14. *”Define a girl that has daddy issues, what exactly is it implying?”*

    That she has daddy issues.

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