So yeah I (20f) was basically talking with a cute boy on a dating app and I asked him what he was looking for and he said a sex friend or you know just someone to fuck with. I then told him I wasn’t interested in just fucking and that I wanted something more serious than that. He later asked me if I was a virgin and I said yes (tbh I don’t know if I should have answered to his question but nvm) and he proposed me to see eo. So I just wanted to know what does it mean ? Does he just want to be friends or something else ?

  1. It means he is going to try and fuck you in the way he said he wants to. He told you exactly what he wants. Believe him.

  2. Somehing serious is asking for a emotional commitment. I wouldn’t trust him to suddenly be ready for that after his initial comment.

    I also wouldn’t expect him to just want friendship.

    Ask him but be prepared to not like the answer

  3. The guy on the dating app who told you he was looking for someone to fuck? He’s looking to fuck you. There’s no mystery here.

  4. His intention is only to fuck you so I suggest don’t entertain him if you are looking for something serious

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