i am an adult who pays for my own health insurance but sometimes my dad helps me with the process of making payments on healthcare bills due to a mental disability. Obviously due to this disability I need to engage with sex with sex workers. (obviously if I was not disabled I would have a gf and not have to resort to traveling to Germany for sex workers plz don’t judge!). Since it is risky I need to get an HPV vaxx in addition to condom use etc.

\-my parents never gave me the vax because they knew deep down due to my disability that i would not be getting any lol

  1. Book an appointment with your doctor to get an HPV vaccine. And then talk to the receptionist and tell them to only bill you/send the invoice to you, and no one else.

  2. In the US most pharmacies that have a vaccine clinic will simply use your insurance for prescriptions on file and give the vaccine to you right there. You can always ask if the vaccine will show up on some mail delivered to your parents house as they may know. Better yet, call the insurance company and ask them. They will be straight with you and not report your questions. If you can’t go through insurance you can always pay cash at the pharmacy.

  3. Call your local health department or Planned Parenthood.

    And let me scream at the top of my lungs, BULLSHIT!!! to denying the vax based on sex.

    You get Gardasil 9 to prevent CANCER. It’s about the only cancer vax we have. It does not prevent HPV, just the HPV strains that are most likely to cause cancer: types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, and 58.

    Please, do whatever is necessary to get vaccinated.

  4. You should just talk to your dad. Really, you’re an adult now and I think he’d he very understanding and proud of you.

  5. This may be inappropriate to ask, and if so please forgive me: but I don’t understand what sort of mental disability you have that apparently means ‘obviously’ you can’t find a girlfriend and have to travel to a foreign country for paid-for sex, when you come across as being much more ‘compos mentis’ than a large proportion of Reddit posters?

  6. If you are are mentally and physically capable to navigate going on an international vacation for the purposes of having sex with a paid professional, I wonder what could possibly make you think you are precluded from dating?

  7. Firstly, good for you for looking to get the vaccine. Just FYI: Gardisal-9 takes 3 rounds of shots to get the complete dose (when you’re like really young you only need 2 shots but adults need 3). So you’ll need to factor that into your planning. But I have to imagine that you can invent some joint pain or something that you tell your parents as an excuse to get to the doctor or something like that, but then phone ahead so they know what to expect and pay for it out of pocket then and there? If you talk to your doctor I’m sure that they can make sure to handle it. It’s not free, but it’s not stupidly expensive either, but then again I do not know how much you would have to pay nor how to find out without calling them and asking, which is honestly probably your best bet regardless.

  8. To be honest you should have got the vaccine before you started sleeping with them. You’ve probably been exposed to it so many times now you already have it or had it and cleared it, when you consider how many dicks they have. Doesn’t hurt to get it now, but defeats the purpose a bit.

  9. I urge you to read the class action lawsuits and black box label on HPV vaccines. This isn’t a joke either. It’s a pretty serious issue.
    This is also coming from someone who isn’t anti vax.

    Your best chance to not get this is by wearing a condom. There is no disability that stops you from putting a condom on yourself or your sexual partner

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