We are new parents with a 7 months old, I’m definitely getting into a flow of things, which is constant changes and challenges. I would say I’m pretty happy and lucky with everything, I balance the cooking and cleaning and taking care of the baby all day and all night, and the dog we have.

He works very hard at work, and he hates the work so he finally quit, which I’m happy for him, just to see the relief on his face, we also worry about finances as he doesn’t know what to do next, but I always feel like we can and will figure things out. He has a lot on his shoulders, I get it.

We discussed that I would stay at home until at least our son is 4 years old, and I’m also thinking about changing career to work in a school my son would be going to, I just want to get involved, I want to know how the school system is because last I heard it wasn’t that great.

Anyways I find myself at times being short with my husband, I don’t like that, sometimes I know it’s the lack of sleep catching up to me and everything he seems to say annoys me… but it’s me. I don’t know what I can do to change this, I want to be nicer and more human like, I really do feel like I operate like a robot sometimes, like I just want to get things done, I’m on this schedule. Because I show my love thur food and him coming home to a clean place, but I’m just not affectionate enough, and yes we do have sex, I make sure of that, I know it’s important (3 times a week), just would like advice on maybe something I can change so I’m not a robot with a slight attitude at times.

1 comment
  1. I’d not be so hard on yourself. Adjusting to life with a baby/toddler is NOT easy.

    I’d say you’re doing better than most people.

    Just communicate to him you realize what you’re doing and that you don’t intend it that way.

    It will get better.

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