Recently I’ve been seeing my ex again after us not talking for 1.5 years. He has tried reaching out to me multiple times to my old cellphone number but I’m not sure how he really feels about me, sometimes it’s very confusing because I’m not really sure what he wants out of this entire situation. I’ve only seen him 3 times this week, and every time I’m over he tells me very sweet things . Like: I missed you, I missed how you felt, Calls me babe, even his sister called him asking about his “girlfriend”. Now I don’t know if he was referring to me exactly but he did say he wasn’t seeing anyone else… but yet he doesn’t want anything with anyone? I’m super confused and not too sure what to do. I can see he really changed for the better, and I guess deep down I hope to be with him again and start over but it just also feels as though we don’t exactly know each other. Feels super weird at times. I know the best thing to do is just to ask him but since it’s been really recent of us talking I don’t wanna put him in an uncomfortable situation or think I’m asking for too much. Any advice would be appreciated thanks so much!

1 comment
  1. A pretty crucially important skill to have in relationships is the ability to communicate expectations of a relationship and to express your needs.

    It sounds like you have a need to understand what his intentions are. I think it’ll be good practise for you to own that need and let him know. He won’t read your mind and tell you otherwise.

    You’re not newly dating. It’s a relationship with history. So it’s appropriate to have this chat.

    If you can’t have a conversation about this without him flipping out, then you’re going after the wrong person to start with.

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