When it asks what is a non-negotiable for me, my answer is “I don’t want to be your first relationship.” Have women that use this dating app never had a relationship before? I thought that was just a thing that my ex had a problem with.

I think a lot of my pictures are good pictures of me, and I’m a handsome guy. There’s a lot to work with in my main bio too.

  1. Why would you put something negative as a prompt answer? Use your head. You’re supposed to be advertising yourself, not putting other people down.

  2. Agree with the others here—negative answers of the “I don’t want…” variety, even if they’re true, understandable, whatever, are not my favorite. I think that’s a bad question altogether honestly unless you can come up with some funny answer. Switch it out, talk about the issue when you match with someone.

  3. Yup, this is a hyper negative prompt and is making it known you’re an asshole.

  4. I might be wrong but aren’t these prompts meant as a way for people to be cute?

    See it as an interview where a future employer that asks you to mention one of your faults and you answer “i’m such a perfectionist hahahhaa” and both are happy with this answer because it’s not really a fault it’s just a bit of a humble brag.

    So don’t see these prompts as real interview questions.

    Save this discussion about your ex for a first date or even the talking stage.

    Use the prompts to lure some interesting people in. Change them up. This one you currently use is not fun and I would think you are boring or whatevs and I would swipe you awayyyy

  5. How old are you? Definitely would remove that prompt, there are so many to choose from, pick one that isn’t a negative

  6. I’m going to say that your non negotiable is indicative of other issues (committal, ability to lead, being friendly)

    Usually non-negotiables are smoking, kids, living with your parents…

    You might have other douche-nuggets in your profile that are turn offs that you don’t notice

    I say have an objective 3rd party(preferably a heterosexual woman) review your profile.

  7. I bet you’re just coming off as rude. The phrasing is a bit harsh.

    Something like, “I’d love to find an experienced woman with … but I’m open to getting to know people”

    Preferences like this can be too specific to put in a bio unless you are being bothered by a lot of inexperienced women.

  8. I think any prompt that immediately excludes a certain population is bad. First you are making a generalization that there is something wrong with any girl who has never been in a relationship which is simply not true. Secondly, you are limiting yourself to a potentially awesome girl.

    Side note: I have a very good friend who didn’t have her first relationship until her mid 20s and now shes happily engaged. My best friend is currently living with his girlfriend and its her first serious relationship. Each circumstance is different, by having this in your bio it makes you seem very judgmental and pretentious.

  9. Yes, don’t phrase things in the negatives. Write what you want not what you don’t

  10. Reading your question made me feel rejected 🙅🏻‍♀️ before I could even get to answer. There are people out there that are single because they are an introvert or awkward. You shouldn’t see someone as a red flag just because they’ve never been in a relationship. As they say don’t judge a book by it’s cover…you might just find all that glitter isn’t gold at all! I honestly wouldn’t mind being someone’s first because any
    Firsts is the one you’d always remember, but that’s just me. You get to show them the finer things in life cuz you’re already experienced it with someone else. I hope you reconsider! Good luck on your quest for love ❤️ and happiness! Hope I helped! 🤗

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