I (19 F) have been with my (19 M) boyfriend for nearly a year. We have worked through issues that nearly broke us apart and grew as people from working through said issues, we opened ourselves up to one another, and we are a very intimate couple (sexually/non sexually). He can read my mood from something as small as my nostrils moving. He is my best partner, I love him so much.

As he could read me better than my own parents (they like him btw), he knows when my neurodivergent self is overstimulated. Here’s where the issue comes from, my family don’t really understand who I am. My grandma on my dad’s side refuses to accept that I am who I am. When they see something that isn’t “ordinary”, they love taking it upon themselves to make it a huge deal and tell everyone about their view.

The cause of unnecessary drama: Boyfriend saw I was severely overstimulated and I was dissociating. He snapped me out of the dissociation, wrapped our arms together and walked me to a calmer place. No words spoken.

My grandma watched this interaction and decided to chalk it up to him dragging me away forcefully. She was once known as “the one who is really good at judging people correctly”, but this was a very different story. I came back after tearing up, which apparently proved her assumption correct. No one is listening to my side because “You’re only a horny teen who will never know better”.

I just want some advice, mostly on how to move past this. I know how that side of the family works, they will never stop their BS even when proven wrong. I talked to my favorite uncle who thinks like me and understands me. He said it’s a “you’re damned if you do and you’re damned if you don’t” situation.

TL;DR: Boyfriend helps me calm down by taking me to a quieter place, grandma overdramatizes it and starts drama that I cannot say my piece in because of my age.

  1. You can’t change your family, only how you react to them and how often you subject yourself to them.

  2. If it’s a possibility, tell your grandma that she needs to accept you for who you are and she has the wrong idea about your bf. If that’s not something you can do, then try your best to avoid her or ignore her

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