M31 with a long term girlfriend of 4 years F29. We took a break last year for about 9 months. Against my better judgement, I decided to move back in with her and to be honest I am just not happy. She’s a great person but doesn’t quite understand my career and my aspirations. I’ve tried to break up with her multiple times but haven’t had the balls to do it. Essentially did it a month back but she talked me out of it.

How do you know when it’s time? How do you do it in the best way to minimize damage. I do care about her and love her but I’m just not really into the relationship anymore.

  1. Just tell her she looks fat so she breaks up with you. That way you won’t feel bad about breaking up with her

  2. Say you care about her but have different goals.
    She’ll say she can get better aligned.

    You can respond that you’ve tried repeatedly to see it happen and the actions promised just haven’t happened even if she wants them to.

    The trust isn’t there and you have to move on.

  3. I watched an IG therapist the other day who just said, you have to accept the idea that it’s going to cause pain for the other person.

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