How do you define masculinity, and how has that definition evolved over time?

  1. Pretty much the opposite of anything ~~anyone~~ 99% of what ‘men’ on reddit will say.

  2. masculinity is that of those who are willing to do whatever it takes to provide for the ones they love

  3. Strength, courage, leadership. To name a few. But also masculinity isn’t only something men have. Women have masculine aspects, along with feminine. It’s just that the ratio is higher in men than it is in women.

  4. Personally I never think about it on purpose. The only times I hear about it is in the context of “toxic masculinity”.

    Neither have I heard other men speaking specifically of the term “masculinity”, because we tend to refer to it along the lines of “expectations of what a man should (not) be”. Such expectations do differ from culture to culture, so it is a social construct and getting a clear definition is not going to be easy.

    You can probably define it as the roles, behaviour, attributes a man should have in order to play his specific role in the society. However, as I mentioned earlier, it will depend on the society, culture, socioeconomic status etc.

  5. Being a good person, a good friend, a good neighbor, a good family member and a good citizen.
    You are good enough to do anything you want to do in life.

  6. I don’t think I can define masculinity. But you can just tell who is masculine and who isn’t by what they say and how they carry themselves.

  7. *shrug* I could list off a batch of tropes or commonly mentioned/enforced things but it’s just not something I care or think about much to develop a personal definition. The most useful day to day application for me is knowing that I wear a suit, not a dress.

    I have never discussed the concept outside of this subreddit.

  8. With how often this question is asked in this subreddit I’m starting to think that reddit gives this as one of the questions for people who’ve just got onto the platform (a year and less) to ask to build up their karma so they can participate in the subs they really want.

    That or the posters are A.I./bots.

  9. Getting shit done and not shitting on those that can’t. Help them learn so that they can be just as good as you.

  10. If you asked 12 year old me: it’s the ability to withstand physical and emotional pain without showing outward signs of discomfort. (Thanks Dad for that nonsense…)

    If you asked 16 year old me: that and the ability to do cool things like chop down a tree or drive a fast car.

    24: fuxk is paying bills manly? I guess I made it.

    33: You want to be masculine? Congrats you’re here now. It’s a state of mind and doesn’t really matter or mean anything.

  11. Provide for the people you care about, stand by those who would do the same for you, respect and self respect

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