I’m not trying to sound misogynistic, but as a girl I wonder how guys think of pick me’s. I know other girls hate them, that’s for sure. But I’m curious.

Edit: I’ll probably just end up deleting this post, but by “pick me girl” I mean girls who put other women down in order to gain attention from men.

– Women who aren’t being toxic aren’t pick me’s

– Not all girls are bad. Not all guys are bad. Generalizing is never okay.

My intention wasn’t to imply anything harmful about anyone, I apologize ❤️

  1. They are terrified of your women friends and feel a constant need for validation. So not worth it.

  2. Idk if this counts but before I got introduced to my gf I was talking with 2 other girls, 1 of them was a huge free spirit type and she was fun to be around but then I met the girl who became my gf and I just vibed with her a lot more. Like I remember I took like a week and a half off work and we were just hanging out 24/7 and texting the whole time and then like everyone in our group was like bro these 2 r gonna get together yfm.
    Well the free spirit 1 got kind of mad and she texted me and started saying all this disrespectful shit about my gf(who wasn’t my gf at the time). Like I was actually thrown off bc like bruh we all been there where we like someone and they go with someone else, but damn like bruh at least act like you not hurt yk that’s what everyone else does. This girl spazzed out on me bc I basically chose someone else

  3. More women than you’d think are “pick me’s”. When you need it, you need it.

  4. “I’m not like other girls”…
    Yeah, honey badgers aren’t like other girls and I wouldn’t stick it in one of them either, lol.

    It’s insufferable, but it’s usually a phase most of them grow out of eventually. I’m not going to wait around for “eventually”, but I won’t condemn them eternally for what I know is usually a fleeting personality flaw.

  5. Wait .. are you really that slow you do not understand why a man would pick a woman who says “men are great! I love men!” over Trigglypuff?

  6. None.

    Only seems to be that women are the only ones that are upset with the so called “pick me’s”. Based on how bad they talk about them.

    But, hey “pick me’s” get picked so they’re doing something right.

  7. Id 100% choose a pick me all other things being equal. Most women I’ve interacted with are fairly normal so I don’t have first hand experience with them but yea id totally go for it.

  8. Run into a few but it can be pretty annoying. If someone is telling you how cool they are because they are different, I immediately ignore that jargon likes its coming from a used car salesman. Everyone is different and has their own quirks. People are either attracted to it or not without you bringing it up. It’s best to be you without telling anyone why you are special. They will figure it out on their own.

  9. I’ve never seen a woman that called other woman that, be someone whose opinion mattered.

  10. All the “pick me” girls threw themselves at men, chased after them and often will have sex very early on, begin planning their future wedding on the 1st date then wonder why the guy bailed lmao.

    Then they go into a cycle of why all the good men are taken, and there’s no men out there, shit on men, then cycle repeats when they get infatuated with another guy

  11. I don’t pre-label people based on how other people want me to label them.

    I think the whole “pick me girl” has been lost in translation that it’s now used for all women who aren’t straight up idiots and try-hard boss babes.

    If she’s an actual pick me girl, no thanks. If she’s just a girl who’s just trying to find a guy and trying to do her best to honestly put her best face forward then I can totally respect that.

    Pro-tip, people are way more complicated than the categories given to them in mainstream media. Try to look at the idiosyncrasies of one person before judging them and you’ll have a more fulfilling life.

  12. I honestly find that level of narcissistic behavior to be really unattractive, if a girl has to put down other girls just to put themselves on a pedestal then I don’t want to be with them

    I personally never had a single interaction with those kinds of girls for the reason I said above

  13. I don’t want someone with the same interests, or beliefs, or behavior as me. I’ve already got one of those: me. I want someone who’s got a different perspective on the world

  14. Never heard of this term. But it sounds like the parents who feel the need to tell you their kid is smart. If that was really the case, they wouldn’t need to tell us, trust me.

  15. I honestly don’t care. Are they pleasant to me? Are they kind to me? Are they physically appealing?
    Are they interested in my physically and romantically? Do we share values? These are the questions I care about. “Girl politics” is stupid and I don’t care about it.

  16. All you need to remember is that it is “other girls” that coined the term “pick me” and that should tell you most of what you need to know.

    Other girls dislike so-called “pick me” girls, because they don’t want to have to compete with them. Guys, like “pick me” girls, because they will show interest in the guy, share some hobbies etc.

    Most people, particular guys, want an easy life. I don’t recall any bad interactions with a Pick me girl.

  17. I think automatically worse of everyone who uses that word. It’s the 2020 version of slut or something else.

  18. I don’t think I’ve run into any.

    Looking up the definition on the first search result (wikihow) the main defining trait is talking down other girls to look cool infront of boys.

    If they are socially clumsy enough for me to realize that is what they are doing then they earn a mild aversion. Not a hatred, just a desire to stay out of the splash zone.

    However reading some of the replies here there are sometimes descriptions of them that sounds like someone I’d get along great with.

  19. I like women who treat me and men with respect and those women tend to be labelled as “Pick mes”

    And who calls them “Pick mes” as an insult. That’s right. The worst kind… The mentally broken and miserable abusive toxic “All Men are trash” type.

    So now when a woman is called a pick me. I just assume she isn’t a crazy mentally broken man hating asshole. She’s probably a lovely person.

    Why the hell would I prefer toxic women over nice kind friendly women?

  20. If I’ve ever had an interaction with a “pick me” girl, I was not aware of her having been labeled as one by other women at the time and have not been made aware of her being labeled as such after the fact, either.

  21. Good men go where they’re needed

    Good men go where they’re appreciated

    I’m way more likely to choose a woman who likes men and wants to have a good man in her life and wants to contribute than one who thinks she’s entitled to everything I bring to the table just for showing up.

    Women who complain about pick mes just come across as haters who are mad that some women are crossing the picket line and being reasonable instead of trying to manipulate society to get free shit.

  22. Please get off tiktok, Ive rarely run into pick me’s and usually I just stray away

    now the “not like other girls” those I like sometimes

  23. Hello! For clarification, by ‘pick me girl’ I mean a girl who puts other women down in order to appeal to men. (r/notlikeothergirls for example). I don’t mean to sound misogynistic, I just wanted to hear opinions of others who had interactions. I’m sorry if I came across as rude. Have an absolutely beautiful day ❤️❤️❤️

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