Me and this guy have been friends for a while, but recently started “talking/flirting” with each other for around four months.

We ended up having sex (the night and the next morning) and he told me it was a lot of fun. Which I’m not sure if I should read into this more or not?

I want to continue sleeping with him. Should I ask him if he wants to continue? Or just let things be and go with the flow the next time we’re around each other.

  1. I think either is fine, as long as you’re both on the same page. I think it wouldn’t hurt to ask, although I know those “spontaneous” hookups can be fun too

  2. Have the talk.

    Good communication is fundamental to both good sex and good relationships, even casual/FWB ones.

    “Hey, I really enjoyed the other night. Would you be interested in being friends with benefits?”

    Simple as that.

  3. Don’t be afraid of forming your own opinions on what YOU want. Let him form his opinions on what HE wants.

    Then, when you both know, it’ll be easier to find some sort of middle ground.

    For all that the rest of us internet weirdos know, it could turn out that what you both want is to CONSTANTLY share the same bed, and see where that leads to.

    Or meet once every two-three weeks.

    But the thing is that unless you have made up your mind on what you want, you can’t really compare what you want with what he wants.

    So do that. Make up your mind.

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