this is what happened.
i went up to her and i said, “hey, i couldn’t help but notice how good your form, would you mind giving me some tips because i only feel it in my lower back.”
she said “yeah, what i do is…” and she kept smiling and telling me all these tips and i was genuinely interested because I need help with my legs so I was matching her energy. this went on for a good 5mins.

Anyway, she said, do what I do, and I’ll watch you and I laughed and said OK. After my set was done, she said stand little wider and you’ll be good and I said OK thank you and I continue to do my RDL’s and was done. as I was leaving, I waved goodbye and said have a good workout, she then asked for my name, and I got her name as well.

Now here’s the part where I think I may have fucked up. I asked her if she wanted to train legs together sometime..
Her response was (what i think was a good response) she said yeah for sure, smiling. but she could’ve just been polite.. so where do I go from here?!

  1. Next time you see her, say hi and ask casually for a day/time she might want to train legs together if she was still interested, then meet her and do that.

    Report back after your mission is complete if more Intel is needed 😊

  2. Bro got rizz!! For real good job mate, I see no way to overthink this. Next time you see her, just pick up the conversation easy and naturally, just enjoy the moment 🙂

    Maybe ask her to train together again sometimes after that if everything feels good, and ask for her number/snapchat whatever to keep in touch

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