The last few women I’ve met seemed very interested (constant texting, very personal conversations, wanting to cook for me and my friends, planning small roadtrips) for a week or two then only want to be friends or just ghost. How can I tell if I’m the problem?

  1. Talk to one of them maybe.
    Mayb ur becoming inconsistent with them.
    but its hard to tell just thinking about it, have a heart to heart with them

  2. Ask the women that haven’t ghosted you. Hopefully at least one gives you an honest answer.

  3. Woman here, possible reason: when I’m talking to multiple guys at the same time ( online dating), I tend to get overwhelmed or just preoccupied with either life or other conversations.

  4. You can tell if you are the problem when you find you are the common denominator. Sorry buddy. The only way out of this is to change tactic. Keep trying different approaches, doing and saying different things. Try to take things to a different level early on, suggest doing something you both can enjoy. Invite her out. Just don’t keep doing the same thing and expect a different result.

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