So I know the title is kind of general, but I (18f) have been dating a guy (18m) for over 6 months and we’re really happy. I’m his first girlfriend but he has liked me for years. I’ve had one other boyfriend that was abusive and manipulative and we dated for a year and a half, broke up, and dated for another 6 months. I kind of knew that I liked my current bf while I was dating my previous one, my friends really liked him, and would ask me why we’re not together but I wanted to have fun in my teenage years and I told them he was more “husband material”.
Now that you know my background, fast forward over 6 months and we do everything together. Whenever we’re not at work we are together. I don’t like people that much and I definitely can’t sleep when someone else is in the bed with me but now I can only sleep with him and going to sleep by myself is so hard.(Hence me writing this at midnight when I have a 12 hour shift that starts in the morning). We have not gone 24 hours without seeing each other this entire relationship and we always talk out our issues instead of arguing. He’s really understanding of my abusive past and helps me at any cost physically, mentally, or financially. It doesn’t even feel right to think of us not being together and I feel like we just click so naturally but I know he’s only my second boyfriend. I know people say “you know when you know” and I feel like I know but I’m also not sure if it’s “rose colored glasses” or me hoping because I really don’t like connecting and having to explain my past to new people. I really just don’t want to mess up anything with our relationship and he makes me want to be a bettter person. I’m just genuinely comfortable and feel at home with him but I wanted to see what you guys thought or if it’s too soon? Sorry for the long post!

TLDR- I have a rough past and this is only my second boyfriend but I feel comfortable around him(very unusual for me as I’m self protective and cautious) and he makes me want to be a better person. We haven’t spent 24 hours apart in over 6 months. Not sure if this is the “yk when yk” or if I’m just hopeful. Opinions/thoughts on if he’s the one for me?

  1. There is no hurry is there? Date him for another couple of years and see how it goes.

  2. I think you should read up about codependent relationships, because it seems like yours is straying into that territory. I’m glad you’re finding such a positive relationship experience after your previous one. Now that you know how it feels to be treated much better, make sure you never accept anything less!

    I don’t really think there’s such a thing as “the one” or that you can know right away if somebody will be the one you spend your life with when you are so young, but it’s good to feel positive and hopeful about a relationship. Focus on building a balanced life with friendships and other connections outside of this relationship, and it can all work together to give you a really happy social life for the long term.

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