As the title says.

Looking for personal anecdotes (regardless of which side you were on), third-party observations, stories you heard, etc.

  1. Personally, men abuse power to get what they want and when they want it no matter how other people think about them. Women abuse power to manipulate the way people think about them in order to get what they want.

  2. I don’t know.. I guess men are more likely to abuse power by Aggression and force whilst women do it more to manipulate as a way to abuse.

    And why choose a side. Yes.. Men have histroucally been more corrupt in power than women but that’s because men had the most power in the past.

    The few women who have had power haven’t been amazing either.

    Take my country of England. We have had 3 female prime minister and all 3 proved to be as useless as the males. One even played a major role in the Falkland island war.

    Also cleoparta was known to own slaves, Queen bloody mary burnt people to a stake for religious reason and Queen Elizabeth the 1st had people beheaded.

    Also some white women back in slavery times was known to abuse their power over slaves. There is a woman named “The nazi bitch” who had power over the Jewish people during nazi Germany and did really nasty things towards the Jews. Look her up of you want to be disturbed

    So this whole notion that the world would be a perfect peaceful utopia if it was only run by women in charge is BS. Women can and have been as bad as the men in charge. Just not as much because men held most of the power throughout history.

    When Lizz Truss became our prime minister. England didn’t magically become this perfect utopia where everything was amazing and everyone was happy and well off and everything was peaceful…….

    So can people stop. Can people just realise that it really doesn’t come down to sex. It comes down to the individual man or woman.

  3. When it comes down to it, there isn’t really one. People just tend to excuse
    It and let women get away with it more when a woman cannot hide it as well.

  4. I think largely the abuse of power is done about the same and near in the same ways by whomever has the power and no accountability to the people and things they have the power over.

    One of the big things is not about the way that either gender abuses power but about the fact that men have historically had more systemic power, at least in our recent patriarchal history. In that setup, when abuse of power happens at the hands of men, there is a lot of expectation for it and a lot of systemic levers by which they are forgiven. A cursory reading of the history of the idea of domestic violence or marital rape could be enlightening. Another very common example of allowing abuse in plain sight are the ideas that help reinforce old sytemic structures, like “boys will be boys” or “what was she wearing”. These are examples of reinforcing status quo patriarchal understandings in the culture, and there doesn’t have to be malice here, people just learn stories about what is “true” and those ideas remain substantial and important for generations because they are so widely repeated and passed down.

    Because women have not in recent history had systemic power, or the powers they have had had been largely soft powers, or power that co-opts and redirects rather than coercion; sometimes their abuses look differently or are perceived differently when confronted, the actual act of abuse of power is largely the same in result. This can result in the underhanded ideas about “behind every important man is an important woman” or “women as sneaky or manipulative in terms of their use of emotional intelligence”. In many ways the stakes are different for women in power because in a patriarchy a woman caught doing something that is considered unacceptable is likelier to face an oversized and intense reaction to check that abuse.

  5. I find women engage in more sophisticated social engineering when men go seal clubbing.

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