Whats your opinions on discord dating? I havent done it much but I get burned out on tinder pretty fast, and havent had the best time with it.

But I am a nerdy gamer discord user so maybe in a place with many people with shared interest is the way?

  1. My previous relationship started through a mutual game, and most of our interactions were through discord. It was fine, but I will say that both parties need to spend the one on one time to build trust with each other. We spent too much time in groups initially, and it got to the point where I was constantly feeling like I was in an emotional triangle with her and other guys we were playing with. It was actually quite shitty.

    If you two respect each other, and take the time to build trust/set boundaries with people you game with, then I don’t see why it couldn’t work.

  2. People do say go do things where you’re more likely to meet people that share common interests. Yours just happens to be discord.

    Check out datecord, I’ve had some success there just don’t take it too seriously though it’s pretty cringe.

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